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Everything posted by sijmister

  1. Hey guys, IDK if anyone who is in the DC metro area is interested in carpooling or willing to sign on for this bus service to the concert: http://rallybus.net/bristow-lanadelrey/ I bought the ticket and realized it's gonna be hard for me to get there and back because I don't have a full license or technically even a car of my own... but I'm a mature adult, pretty friendly, so if you are in the DC Metro area and will to meet up with me and drop me off at a metro station and I can cover like half the gas or something, or sign up for the bus service with some friends so it has enough people to get confirmed, that would be great. As of this time 18 more people are needed for the Washington DC/Dupont Circle bus. Hope to hear from someone soon! EDIT: So the bus trip was confirmed, and there's still plenty of room for people who need a ride there from the DC metro area. It seems like a pretty good deal at $50 both ways considering that I was willing to pay much more and do convoluted things to get myself to the concert and then to work the next morning =P. EDIT 2: Just reviewed my original post and realized the grammar was atrocious... I'll leave it in its original glory for those who like to nitpick at such things =P.
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