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Posts posted by reesedelrey

  1. She said something about it being the beginning and the end. I assume she means that the song encompasses the narrative of the album. I just think a manifestation of that statement would be interesting.

    She said HM was the first track, but then started talking about she finds it weird when how a record begins and ends


    edit: this entire time I was reading: "in some ways I find it weird how a record begins and ends," instead of "where the record begins and ends"

  2. I'm probably reading too into it, but I'm interested in how she mentioned that HM was the beginning and the end of the record. I wonder if we'll get HM as the opening track, as well as the closing track, but edited with a different composition. Kind of like The Suburbs by Arcade Fire. But I guess that idea is moot if the Nina cover is indeed the final track.

    I don't think she ever mentioned anything about HM being the closing track, but that would be cool if it were reinvented to close the album

  3. But guys this song is so incredibly beautiful. My mother adores it! :thumb3: Her voice is so flaunted on this track and the instrumentals compliment her vocals. The intro sounds so cinematic, so by sounding more like BTD she probably means leaning towards the cinematic feel of BTD. The intro sounds so nostalgic, it gives me the same old black-and-white movie feeling just like Lolita does, I'm leaning towards the 1962 Lolita film, but it mightn't be it, I'm pretty sure I'm thinking of an exact film though, not just old movies in general.

    Anyway, HM has a lovely feel and I have an idea this album will be legendary.


    Oh and the bridge is heaven, I knew it would be. And the ad-libs are breathtaking!

    but there aren't any ad-libs
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