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Posts posted by WarInMyMind

  1. Okay well this tumblr is not leaking jack sh*t.



    And for those of you who are trying to bring me down.


    I'm still friends with the person YOU betrayed. And you know who guys are.



    So your attempts at thwarting me went to sh*t.



    I reported James :)



    but you're in deep shit


    With whom?


    I'm not doing dumb shit and messing with hackers and traders like y'all.



    I'm just here for the songs. And the Mods are already ready to start banning y'all.




    Wait, me? I don't know you...


    The other James, NOT YOU.


    I know who highinthemind is. They are a really nice person, they're on private right now, but they are leaking because they originally gave me snippets to those songs before I got the full for them. Now they're leaking Is It Wrong? soon.

    Okay cool....



    Can you ask them why they think I'm a "bastard"?


    I'm sooooo nice to everyone and I always get trashed.


    I do :facepalm: but each time I leak something it has to be agreed with by the person who gave it to me (mostly my source). Except for recently where I had to resort to the stuff I received from trading.


    Okay well please leak Is It Wrong for us.

    It's different when we don't know what the song sounds like 'cause we can't exactly crave for it, but we have 30 flawless seconds. So it's not fair.


    But I guess we'll wait and see...


    It doesn't look like thats happening because I just got drained of two songs. I was going to leak Making Out V1 + V2 on different days. The more songs that you get the more days you could span out the leaks. Break My Fall was also a veteran lost at war..


    So because some asshole ruined it for you, an entire fan base has to pay for it?


    Ohhhhh! LOGIC.


    Sense made.


    I almost thought you wanted to give us songs or something.

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