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Posts posted by komodo

  1. I agree, and although I obviously don't know how this became public, it's also possible that the printed non-audio parts of the CD are being less guarded than the audio CD. Of course, I could be wrong and someone has a CD they're about to leak, but as the old song goes, it aint necessarily so.

    The other possibility is that they somehow got a copy of the digital booklet. (such as from iTunes)

    But you made a point I forgot to mention too. Maybe someone from the manufacturing side was able to get the info from a damaged book-slip (or took a photo of it while it was on the production line). That way there's no missing inventory but they still get information.

  2. Best logical way I can imagine OP got the list is...

    a) working for the distributor

    b) working for a music store

    c) has a friend that works in either of a) or b)


    It's normal for distributors to receive/store/send merchandise a week or two or even a month before release date.

    It's also normal for music stores to receive their merchandise a week or two (or more) before the release date.


    source: I used to work retail (clothes) and we would receive inventory one week to a month before releasing it to the public.

    I also have a friend who works in logistics and she tells me the process of importing/exporting/storing merchandise.

  3. congrats to the winners and thanks for hosting the giveaway

    tinychat was... interesting

    remember when I was Lana Del Fuck Me and they were saying I was totally gonna win because of how stupid my display name was but now I changed my name to SweetPea because I'm finally a serious account and now I'm off the list :noparty: is it because I'm hated or is Canada to far to ship to cause I'll pay for shipping :toofunny: I'm sorry if you hate me :toofunny:

    Are you in the GTA, Montreal or Calgary area? Or are you elsewhere?

  4. why are people being openly disrespectful about others and Lana :awkney: I'm fine with people criticising her choices or her music or having disagreements and making jokes but ppl are taking it too far with the calling Lana a homeless perv and bringing racial comments into the thread like comparing stuff to Asian women like wtf

    It honestly wasn't even that big of a deal.

    'least the OP wasn't posting a nekkid man getting rammed in the rear by another nekkid man like the other day.


    You folks are too sensitive.

  5. Must feel nice being a mod like people are scared of you cause you could ban them and they're like the most useful accounts out there and know the most about Lana and they can just do anything they really want while feeling superior it must be nice

    Mods have to adhere to certain rules too... so they can't exactly do anything they want.

    But they sure can do more than we regulars can.

  6. I'm one of the very few who believed Lana had straight male fans (as does every artist because wtf how could they not?) I just mentioned all the stupid stuff thats been happening in the form, although I did contribute to the wealth arguments

    There has been a lot of... strange things showing up lately. I'm still new here but I don't imagine it always being like this.


    I think we actually have a straight married men on here......  

    Are you referring to me or in general? Cause if me... I'm far from married.

  7. The real question is why it hasn't leaked YET. How do things leak anyway? Like, does someone find it floating around online, or does someone hack into her computer and snatch it?

    There are many ways a leak happens.

    a) Through hacking

    b) Directly from the source (such as from lana, the producer, the song writer etc)

    c) From a 2nd/3rd party where the source either sold or shared the song to

    d) Uploading error


    Sometimes leaks happen intentionally from the source (such as leaks with Samsung Galaxies or iPhones). In such cases intentional leaks are for marketing purposes.

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