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Posts posted by radiant

  1. not her finally promoting Play Date five years late because it's going semi-viral on TikTok  :rip:  she paid it DUST before... I still wish the CB bonus tracks got videos too.

  2. I like the remix just because it's a new Nicki, I'm currently STARVED for content  :defeated: BUT I understand the criticism... she's becoming quite one note. This isn't the song to be throwing shots at Wendy Williams or boasting about how she's the queen (yet again), she needs new material to rap about.

  3. yes, i'm glad they gave her the freedom to release constantly on soundcloud or god knows what would have happened to the diehard doja fans, it's INSANE how they barely capitalised on the So High hype and then threw any remaining interest away after purrr! with the long wait  :crossed:

    All of this proved that she had it in her though, and look where she is now, I guess it paid off!


    yup, all tea ^^


    I can't believe how big she is now... like her even getting an album released after all that time shocked me. Now she's on her second & has a Top 10 hit  :defeated:

  4. this post shows an old quote from her twitter saying her album was supposed to be released in 2015 and then... nothing? she just uploaded tons of demos onto soundcloud instead, 2016 just had more SoundCloud demos, same with 2017 (and at this point we can consider amala was mostly made during this year), nothing actually happened release wise for this album until 2018 with Roll With Us, Go To Town & Candy and then the eventual release of Amala which you can imagine was way different than the album she made in 2015 going by the demos she uploaded in 2015.

    Unfortunately her old soundcloud and twitter has been wiped entirely so it’s hard to judge on what exactly she was doing during the almost 4 year gap between Purrr! and Amala besides releasing demos but at least this shows we have confirmation there WAS an album supposed to be released in 2015. Her evolution did work out for her though!


    her label basically just ignored her after the Purr EP was released. sShe was still making music and uploading the entire time but most of those songs on Soundcloud were never meant for any album they were just DIY SoundCloud demos she made by herself.


    However there were a couple old snippets on her instagram she posted in 2015, those songs were never released because she was saving them for that album. It was most likely gonna sound similar to the Purr EP & produced by Yeti Beats, but I think she scrapped the old material and started actually working on Amala in 2016, Candy & Casual were uploaded on SoundCloud during this time. She was also with RocNation for management for a while too but I guess RCA/Dr Luke's label finally got their shit together & let her release an album (thank god)

  5. she wasn't in development hell lol she was just experimenting and making stuff in her bedroom for fun. Her Soundcloud releases weren't considered official releases and were mostly demos. She was def a lot more experimental & made more R&B inspired/lo-fi type music prior to her blow up but I guess she just evolved from that.

  6. its fear manipulation and pure media brainwashing, fear is the best manipulation and control strategy (see.. religion), they want whoever gets a minor headache or chest infection to panic and go get this new "vaccine" that they've produced.. god knows what kind of poison they're trying to inject into the population but it seems to be working and its a smart idea if u ask me... ask yourself this, how does it really effect ur life rn? (even if u had it)- like if u got really sick right now and had never heard of this stupid virus u wouldn't give a damn, the illness would pass and you'd go along with your days...


    old people, and babies have alwaays been dying from the common cold, of course its going to look bad if only the deaths of the people that have symptons are to be broadcasted, they're not broadcasting the amount of people who are okay and who are recovering from it are they.. and ask yourself why? even if this virus was as deadly as they say it is... why on earth would they want to broadcast how deadly it is, that would be stupid, that would be the LAST thing they'd be trying to do if it were true...


    anyway im just gonna ignore this and go on with my life, its hard not to hear about this shit everywhere i go cus dumbasses are always calling up at the call centre asking for face masks... but yeah, these sly little bastards have got the world terrified so props to them



    it's really tiring to see misinformation and mass hysteria being spread around so much. majority of cases are mild, resembling a cold or mild fever/flu. it's usually not dangerous unless you are 60-70+ or already have a depleted immune system. you can stock up on lysol and hand sanitizers all you want but the reality is that coronavirus is a virus and those products only really kill bacteria so it probably won't do much. and also, just because somebody has a cough does not mean they have the coronavirus, it's sad that even has to be said.


    however it's still good to take precautions and follow reputable news and medical sources to keep yourself updated on what's going on. this is still a major issue but spreading mistruths and hysteria does more harm than good.


    you guys both spilled  :gclap:

    posts like these make me feel so much better about the situation.

  7. It’s possible to not like a whole genre honey


    but what are you basing that dislike off of?  :rip:  surely you haven't heard more than a handful of K-Pop songs that probably have similar styles anyways. There are so many different genres and sounds K-Pop has to offer but keep generalizing I guess?



    this is the evidence to prove that kpop sucks


    excuse you?  :crossed:

  8. It's really annoying seeing all the "the media is making this worse" talk. We have to make people take this seriously, otherwise more people will die. We have to take extreme measures, otherwise we'll have to shut down more countries like Italy. Of course the decisions being made are tough, but this isn't an easy situation or "just another flu". Ugh, at least we'll have Future Nostalgia to stream while we're all quarantined.


    I mean tea  :rip:

    at least we don't have to leave the house to listen to music 

  9. ALMA

    still so confused by this era, especially the 3 part EP's when it's all done we'll have 9 tracks?  :rip: perched for the MARINA collab & LA Money tho

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