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About FutureRetro

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  1. No store will have it till like Thursday. Anyway, it's time to harass the reddit guy. He's the only person in the entire world right now with the album.
  2. one day before the Aus release. Since it's Friday Everywhere. We'll get it Thursday.
  3. The lashing has begun. The editor from pitchfork has been shading her on Twitter too. BTD 2.0 is here!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm here for another 5 million selling album!!!!
  4. Aren't music release Friday now tho? Might as well give up. It ain't happening till like Thursday lmao.
  5. dont dare drag a reviewer on Twitter. Ya'll want her to get trashed.
  6. P4k is going tear HER A PART. Ready for the mess. The album will be a success tho.
  7. The Blackest Day should be an opener for ha tour. Poor BORE world.
  8. That makes sense. Lana better promote the SHIT out of this album. It's so much more accessible to the GP even more so than BTD. It can do very well commercially. And because of the fact that it is "more accessible" critics might tear it apart. They have chosen the wrong songs to represent the album or was it their intention all along? Hmmm
  9. Objectively good music. One who can enjoy music on a stan level as well as the GP level.
  10. Honeymoon is her best work and it is a favorite of mine. I only like good music.
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