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Everything posted by SuperMegaStan

  1. i still would like her to name it as "hope is a dangerous thing" instead of messy title but ugh..... that was a classic, that was a classic!
  2. that explains her random appearance at the apple event. thanks god she didnt write maxipad
  3. i hope it's black narcissus instead otherwise the mess incoming
  4. where can i pre-order the poetry book. hope is dangerous thing but i have it the words in this track are GORGEOUS There's a new revolution A loud evolution That I saw Born of confusion And quiet collusion of which Mostly I've known A modern day woman With a weak constitution 'Cause I've got Monsters still under my bed That I could never fight off A gatekeeper carelessly dropping the keys on my night soft
  5. Coverart is a cruel joke for a stanbase like us to have - but we have it.
  6. i feel like the commercial will be the only epic visual we'll get during this era
  7. she's giving me multiple emotional rollercoaster rides in one post new song on 9th renamed Sylvia into a long ass title new poetry book show cancellation hope is a dangerous thing for a stan like me to have indeed
  8. out of all the songs that can generate hype and she has to release this it better serve a Venice Bitch "proving all us wrong" expedition
  9. the chord progression screams cinnamon tho
  10. she better serve a visual feast for the rest of the album to compensate the Chuck-directed MAC and VC video
  11. lemme put it this way, Mariner Apartment Complex is a 10/10 and Venice Bitch is a 11/10. (and tbh, they're just listing her "real single" to be on their year-end list and the double-singles release strategy makes it harder for the critics to focus on the main song)
  12. i dont use spotify that much but this is the result of my 2018
  13. No Limit, Scheibe and Wake Me Up tho , the power of my to-go playlist Lana staying my year end list like this
  14. she's kinda serving I Love You Honeybear folky country vibe... i demand a B side of NFR.
  15. it's already an exceptional case when she decided to take the stage for BBC's Big Weekend back in 2017. lower your expectation sis
  16. MAC's youtube view is stuck at 11M and VB is stuck at 5M and these are official VIDEOS
  17. let's pray for her to add a verse or something to the remix. it's a bop and deserves to smash after SICKO MODE
  18. Ice on my neck, flawless baguettes Hop off a jet, barely get rest Cash through the month, I get a check
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