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American Bottom

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Everything posted by American Bottom

  1. Emphasis on COULD have. Obviously she didnt utilize said talents, and cant keep her mouth shut to save her life. So
  2. Literally every clip from the "Best vocals" video you just sent was laughable. So either Banks is "intentionally singing weird" on every damn track, or your standards for talent are on the floor. Periodt
  3. Are you trolling or are you just genuinely hard of hearing?
  4. You canceled yourself the moment you disregarded Troye and Marina in favor of Australia Stanks and GRIMES. LMAO ok sis. Ok. I only like one Marina song but I will take her any day over Mrs Bussy Soap Bar
  5. https://twitter.com/unlockcamo/status/1099072997078564864?s=09 Gays dont let this tweet flop. Lmao
  6. Imagine Ben sees my tweet and sends people to my house like he did Eclipse
  7. Imagine he looked on our instagram pages and dmed based on who he wants to top the most jdjdjeje
  8. Drag ha https://twitter.com/unlockcamo/status/1099072997078564864?s=09
  9. So, a recap of today so far: Ben posting info we already knew The fans then dragging him for it Ben responding to those who asked legitimate questions with childish remarks Ben DMing a fan about a bj offer We're still right where we were 24 hours ago in terms of info (with the exception of knowing the poetry book will be a wide release), but it was one hell of a day
  10. I kinda wanna suck his dick, but the way hes acting makes me wanna bite the fucker off
  11. I dont pity him. Him and ed literally allowed Lana's material to leak a year before it was supposed to. And have continued to exhibit unprofessional behavior time and time again. Sure he's human. But he's also a sorry ass excuse for a manager. And I dont wanna hear anything about "oh lana is the reason. She does what she wants". Ok sis so she wants her stuff to leak? She wants her managers to act like children? And I'm sorry this isnt an attack at you. But her managers literally infuriate me, especially since they give dua so much more (undeserved)promo
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