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Everything posted by Theodore

  1. Ok but he has an entire discography besides that one contribution to the Shrek soundtrack djdjejeje
  2. Do you think him and Lana would make a good collaboration? Like, honestly if they made TNC 2.0 together it would outsell the original imo
  3. I'm a Libra Scorpio cusp. My birthday is the first day of Scorpio (October 23). So I have both Libra and Scorpio traits.
  4. Can sis even draw? Let alone paint.... i- I'm open to the idea. but if Lana comes through with a stick figure self portrait, I'm checking myself into an asylum. Periodt.
  5. Fine China Hollywood's Dead Every Man Gets Hish Wish V2 Driving in cars with boys Golden Grill
  6. Ok but the vocals WERE lined up. Just not autotune and love you too hunny Anyway. Heres my full version of How To Disappear https://picosong.com/wJFUq/
  7. Lmao I lowkey get self conscious about how much time I spend on my phone, and even more so how much time I spend on this site. It's kinda unhealthy. But ugh. Idk. Sign me up for Lanaholics Anonymous! Also thank you! Glad you like it
  8. What does this have to do with web investigation ksjejejejdhds
  9. Heres my version of it from a while back https://picosong.com/wY6b9/
  10. Its Shawn*** and loreen you can have a fucking seat in the raggedy ass chair right next to the studio version of Brite Lites
  11. The fragrance? You can find it at Macy's or Walmart. Its called "Shawn Signature" and its $20 for the 1.7 oz I believe. And it smells heavenly He recently released a new one called "Shawn Signature 2" and it's a cream colored bottle (the first one is blue) and it smells slightly more masculine. However both are for men AND women so you get the best of both worlds Sorry for the long post but I couldn't miss the opportunity to promote excellence
  12. That gif reminds me.. am I the only one who didnt know Umbrella by Rihanna is about her vagina??? I was watching a movie today and some 5 year old randomly said that and I was like
  13. I actually dont stan Troye or Marina (literally stated I only like one song from her) but from what I've heard of her, and what I've heard of Azealia. issa no for me. Plus her attitude genuinely makes it impossible to even give her props. So, I think the best thing to do at this point is to agree to disagree bc we are on two totally different wavelengths
  14. Emphasis on COULD have. Obviously she didnt utilize said talents, and cant keep her mouth shut to save her life. So
  15. Literally every clip from the "Best vocals" video you just sent was laughable. So either Banks is "intentionally singing weird" on every damn track, or your standards for talent are on the floor. Periodt
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