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Posts posted by HoneyViolence

  1. 2 minutes ago, ChaoticLipster said:

    Biden is 10 pts ahead and the polls have been adjusted to be far more accurate then 2016. Even the top analysts who said Hillary could lose in 2016  are saying Biden has it.  It’s not a certainty but it would take something much more extraordinary then in 2016 for Trump to win. He knows he is going to lose and this is why he’s hoping the supreme court will hand him the election.

    Lol, the fan fiction. Trump is winning this election. 

  2. 41 minutes ago, Mer Boy said:


    actually no, no one needs black and latino voters to win. Trump won without them in 2016. The Midwest and Florida retirees will choose this election (aka white boomers).

    also the fact is: Trump has gained in those communities, but Biden still holds a lead. Trump has also lost middle-aged white voters and suburban women in the midwest. 

    Trump really can only hope for foreign interference/election day riots and fuckery to win. 

     Can’t wait to comeback to this thread once Trump wins and laugh at the amount of delusions in this thread :karaoke:

  3. 33 minutes ago, recklessdaughter said:

    Sorry but Joni never gave up her child to stay in the music business. She didn’t even start performing or writing music til she was pregnant and it was to make extra money for food because she was— wait for it— pregnant. She had no choice but to give up her child because she had no money or husband and in those days public shaming was a thing. Originally she married Chuck Mitchell so they could adopt her child but then he changed his mind and said he didn’t want to raise another man’s baby, so they got divorced and she started her career. She even said about it “if you make a good marriage, God bless you. If you make a bad marriage, become a philosopher.” That’s what she did, not the other way around. And she said it killed her when she made her fortune because she could finally afford her daughter and it was too late, she had a family. She even said not having her child was the big hole in her life that she tried to fill with songwriting and after she finally reunited with her daughter, her muse went away. She admitted she lost all her inspiration because it was just to fill a void. Yes her art is beautiful and I wouldn’t have wanted an alternate reality without it, but it’s just plain false to claim she chose her career over her child. 

    Damn. I want to cry 

  4. 12 minutes ago, Formation said:

    I like that Jack is still sharing pics of their time in the studio. I know some people cut her off after the culture post, and I was afraid he’d also ice her out. Really nice that she still has music friends like him and his team. 

    Like who? 

    I know about Ariana 

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