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About likeme

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  1. I've had an epiphany and I think I'm done with y'all stans <3 you I'm going to the Hasley forums now bye bye xx
  2. *her xx ok, and I'm kind of over with posting my scat porn. You guys are so fucking boring lmao ): guess I'll be going to the Hasley forums. Don't worry I'm leaving Hope you miss me!!!!
  3. Probably 24 even though she's 25 lmao What do you guys think of the album trailer? I really like MTWBT, and the girl underwater reminds me of Taissa Farmiga
  4. Sorry I saw it from a tumblr and thought it looked interesting
  5. "Baby if you want leave, come to California, be a freak like me, a freak like me. Baby if you want to see the sun in those corners, love me baby more than ever than those freaks like me, those freaks like me"
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