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About Tropico

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  1. lana i typed in delrey, lanadelrey, motel6, then just lana and it worked.
  2. thats awkward because i don't hate you at all and actually i think you're really cool but i was mad at you for thinking it was me.
  3. I reported James but you're in deep shit
  4. That snippet was posted on my tumblr a week ago tho
  5. So highinthemind is in the 212 right now.
  6. I know who highinthemind is. They are a really nice person, they're on private right now, but they are leaking because they originally gave me snippets to those songs before I got the full for them. Now they're leaking Is It Wrong? soon.
  7. I'll try my best even for people who all hate me
  8. I do but each time I leak something it has to be agreed with by the person who gave it to me (mostly my source). Except for recently where I had to resort to the stuff I received from trading.
  9. It doesn't look like thats happening because I just got drained of two songs. I was going to leak Making Out V1 + V2 on different days. The more songs that you get the more days you could span out the leaks. Break My Fall was also a veteran lost at war..
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