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Posts posted by KingOfConeyIsland

  1. My top 10 would probably look something like: 


    1. Rough Song
    2. Apple Orchard
    3. Troublemaker
    4. PPP
    5. The Traveller
    6. Master of None
    7. You Came To Me
    8. Levitation
    9. Saltwater
    10. Bluebird
    But it changes like weekly, if not daily tbh

  2. wow, how did i not know this was a topic??? i'm literally wearing my beach house tee i got at their concert as i write this.


    my fav albums are bloom, depression cherry, and thank your lucky stars, but mostly dc + tyls bc they have bops (i.e. PPP, majorette, rough song) not that bloom doesn't, i just like those two albums better. i'm DESPERATELY searching for someone at my school who likes them too so i can obsess over them with another person and not just myself :oprah3:

    you're literally me

  3. What are everyone's opinions on Teen Dream? People seem to consider it their magnum opus (well than and Bloom) but I never got too into it. Like don't get me wrong, there's not a single song there I dislike, but I wouldn't put any of the songs there on my top 10 Beach House songs. It's just there for me, whereas with the other albums I have at least like 2-3 songs I really really like. 

  4. I wasn't that big of a fan of TYLS when it was released, but it's been growing on me so much these last couple of weeks. I think Rough Song is slowly becoming my favorite Beach House song. I never appreciated The Traveller that much either, but one day it hit me and I haven't been able to stop listening to it ever since. 

  5. Same here  :flutter: I really enjoy the 10 d e a t h b r e a s t out of the two singles released

    it took me a while to really get into it since it's so different from his usual stuff but it's soooooo good

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