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Say Yes to Heaven

Instrument Stem Identifying Thread

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So, just had a little idea for a thread. I identified the stems of Love and where they are in the song and thought it would work nicely as a thread for people to look over when they want to know what an instrument might be in a song! Keeping it for instrument stems and not vocal since those are tricky.



Bass Guitar (Intro, Throughout)
Drums (Split into sep.) (Throughout)
Tambourine (2nd Verse)
Electric Guitar RIFF (Bridge)
Keyboard - 2 Tracks (Throughout, Notably end of 2nd/3rd chor.)
Mellotron (Chorus)
Synthesizer (Throughout)
Vibraphone (Chorus, Bridge) 
Bird FX (Chorus - Barely audible)
Crowd FX (Pre/Chorus) - 2 Tracks - DISTORTED/NON
General FX (Throughout, Notably chorus)


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Bass Guitar (Throughout, Notably choruses)

Bongo (Verses)

Drums (Split into sep.) (Throughout)

Electric Guitar (Throughout, Notably choruses)

Keyboards (Bridge, Throughout)

Mellotron (Chorus)

Percussion (Throughout)

Piano (Verse, End of Chorus)

Synth Guitar (End of Pre-chorus)

Synth Pad (Chorus/2nd Verse/Bridge)

Synthisizer (Throughout)

Juno Bass (Chorus)

General FX (Intro, Throughout)


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Bass (Chorus, Throughout)

Drums (Sep.)(Throughout)

Electric Guitar - 3 Tracks (Intro, Throughout)

Mellotron (Bridge)

Strings - 5 Tracks (Throughout)

Vox FX (Throughout)

FX (Throughout)



Piano (Throughout)

Synthesizer -3 Tracks (Chorus, Throughout)

Mellotron (2nd Verse)

Drums (Throughout)

Strings (2nd Chorus, Throughout)

Bass (Bridge, Throughout)

Keyboards (Throughout)

General FX (Pre-Chorus, Throughout)

Whistle (Outro)



Piano - 2 Tracks (Chorus, 2nd Verse, Throughout)

Mellotron - (2nd Chorus, Bridge, Throughout)

Synthesizer -3 Tracks (Intro, Throughout)

Vibraphone (2nd Verse, Bridge, Throughout)

Keyboard - 5 Tracks (Intro, Throughout)

Bass Guitar - 2 Tracks (Chorus, Throughout)

Drums (Sep.) (Throughout)

Electric Guitar - 2 Tracks (Pre-Chorus, Chorus)

Strings - 4 Tracks (Chorus, Throughout)

General FX (Throughout)

Vox FX (Throughout)

Crowd FX (Throughout, notably last chor./outro)


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