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Say Yes to Heaven

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About Say Yes to Heaven

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    #1 Kashiyuka Stan
  • Birthday 01/18/2001

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    New Mexico on Route 66
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  1. Say Yes to Heaven


    It is interesting when you take the Candy Necklace video into account - though more metaphorical, it was still focused on a murdered hollywood starlet (even her own reference to Black Dahlia) and definitely did give some callback to her 2016/2017 love for Sharon Tate (with Heroin too) and now we have this entire song that was ALMOST in Candy Necklace's place speaking directly of other murders. It's interesting, she was/still is obviously feeling a certain way or empathy for these girls (Gilgo Victims, the Black Dahlia, and Sharon as well) enough to incorporate it into her own story and art.
  2. But the fact it doesnt even matter w her bc she'll give us a date and we already know not to even depend on that either, its tiring
  3. Literally life as a Lana fan and I fucking hate it I can wait months as long as you TELL us we're going to wait months. This never knowing what is going on exactly thing has gotten so old since 2012 literally!!!!!
  4. lol i have doubts its coming tonight, idk it feels like such a lana thing to debut a whole song and make it a big huge hyped moment only for it to not come til 3 months later But maybe since Quavo is attached he'll rush her into it ahaha
  5. That lyric immediately took my mind back to this 2016 post, one of my favorite years of being a fan - if she included that in the final song i'd be in shambles
  6. Taco Bell, nothing... as the summer gets cool <3
  7. And grown men calling him a twink too is so creepy and weird but what can u dooooo
  8. Stan Twitter rotted ppls brains Talking about "They're not relevant, they're a flop, we wanted someone known" As if giving a voice to smaller artists is a bad thing lol. Like Jesussssss
  9. What is cringe about this??????????????????????????????????? She's spotlighting a young artist whose music she loves, and he is a great singer with a great song. I swear to God Lana fans are so bitter.
  10. @LanaDelRey if u come out now & do 2 hrs, ill pay the fee for u xx
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