BluVelvUnderground 1,754 Posted March 16, 2020 I Appreciate You I'm not what you wanted me to be farewell, my lovely looks like Caligula’s about to fall (I’m not what you wanted me to be) If words didn’t break bones why am I full of dust? farewell, my lovely, I must go Blood on the steps and the brass is blasted and the heat is overwhelming I’m coughing so damn much my nostrils switch which is stuffed it says so much about me that I still puff You said ‘help me, help you’ I said ‘help me, help you, help me, help you’ You said ‘help me, help you’ I appreciate you I appreciate you I appreciate you for stopping by Take over direction of the stage I don’t know where to hit my cue am I late, off the clock? wanna share a kiss in the trench while they fight for the bread? they shoot horses, don’t they? (2.29.2020 and I don’t have medical) Spaceship out of here— —-ing your words and misplacing all their meaning is so like me (Half of my blood is Cain throwing stones, the other half is incap-able…) I said ‘help me, help you, help me, help you’ $6.77 in my SquareCash app and I don’t know what direction to go You said ‘help me, help you’ I appreciate you I appreciate you I appreciate you for stopping by Trimmed my beard, what an accomplishment Big boys don’t cry, even if they like guys They all grow as old as you I appreciate you You said ‘help me, help you’ I appreciate you I appreciate you I appreciate you $6.77 in my SquareCash app and I don’t know when to hit my cue but I’m glad you stopped by I appreciate you 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PARADIXO 33,354 Posted March 16, 2020 I am trying my best to stay positive in light of this but... that guardian article is really scaring me. I can’t drive anywhere because I was in a car accident last month that damaged my car, I have a long-term health condition that requires me to travel for treatment(which will be impossible for the next year probably),I’m currently sharing a house with someone who’s in denial (aka “no worse than flu”) and is extremely controlling/unkind and I couldn’t bear the thought of living without my closest family member, who I fear will suffer if they contract this. And to see the complacency of the UK gov... We need to act now or we could be the next Italy. Truly not trying to spread negativity or be all “me me me”. I can’t even imagine how much worse so many others have it right now omg that sucks... why do you have to travel though?? if you wish to explain... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,573 Posted March 16, 2020 So my classes were suspended until next month. And since I lost my job recently I guess I'll have these entire weeks to keep working on my upcoming album (I already finished 2 songs today) and of course I'll train hard at the gym! You can still go to the gym? Omg I'd figure it would be precisely the kind of place that would be closed first 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 16, 2020 ... 1 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PARADIXO 33,354 Posted March 16, 2020 You can still go to the gym? Omg I'd figure it would be precisely the kind of place that would be closed first My gym posted on Facebook that it will remain open but it will be obligatory to bring a towel and wash our hands between exercises. No physical contact between members either. Also it's sort of a small gym - there's never more than 20 people at the same time. And it's not that bad here yet... 30 cases and 2 deaths. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aquemini 297 Posted March 16, 2020 omg that sucks... why do you have to travel though?? if you wish to explain... It’s kind of hard to explain without getting too specific, but it’s a specialism that not many train in and there aren’t many genuine and skilled practitioners so the ones who are good and worth seeing tend to be far from where I live. Also its not usually covered by insurance, so that means all care is out of pocket and therefore attracts more charlatans with ulterior motives than a field that’s better regulated. However, I know that there will be a way to get around this with a little creativity. So much of healthcare is online now through telecommunications, so I’ll think outside the box. You get busy living, or get busy dying as they said in the shawshank redemption. I won’t give up on trying until all the options are exhausted. I hope anyone reading in a similar (or different, but still challenging) situation will keep going too <3 It’s kinda late so sorry if I’m just rambling now lol 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PARADIXO 33,354 Posted March 16, 2020 It’s kind of hard to explain without getting too specific, but it’s a specialism that not many train in and there aren’t many genuine and skilled practitioners so the ones who are good and worth seeing tend to be far from where I live. Also its not usually covered by insurance, so that means all care is out of pocket and therefore attracts more charlatans with ulterior motives than a field that’s better regulated. However, I know that there will be a way to get around this with a little creativity. So much of healthcare is online now through telecommunications, so I’ll think outside the box. You get busy living, or get busy dying as they said in the shawshank redemption. I won’t give up on trying until all the options are exhausted. I hope anyone reading in a similar (or different, but still challenging) situation will keep going too <3 It’s kinda late so sorry if I’m just rambling now lol Oh I see :/ I'm sure you'll be fine. Good luck!! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
annedauphine 36,573 Posted March 16, 2020 Anyone here has read the comics Crossed? It's the absolute WORST thing I've ever read, it's vomit inducing, it's amoral and profoundly disgusting, it's about a global pandemic that turns people into EXTREMELY violent and sexual people with a rash in the shape of a cross on their faces, like beyond beyond words, but in a dirty sort of way it feels good to remember this now because the situation is horrible but it could be so much worse. I've had nightmares for actual months after reading Crossed, it took me over a year to forget it and I still wake up in panic sometimes and I have trouble just googling it, I read it when I was 4 months off the medication I need for borderline disorder, and now I kind of want to read it again to remember that it could be so much worse. These times feel so surreal. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 16, 2020 UK coronavirus crisis 'to last until spring 2021 and could see 7.9m hospitalised' Yes , that could happen. 0 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cacciatore 19,347 Posted March 16, 2020 I'm feeling super guilty today because my country is still acting like nothing is going on and I went to a bar It's so weird how everything is happening... it's weird to know how in other countries whole cities are in quarantine and people are locking themselves up to not spread the virus and here we're living our normal lifes going to the beach and being super reckless. I feel guilty because my mom is 62 and I'm super scared she might catch the virus and by going out I very well could bring the virus back home 0 Quote into your eyes my face remains Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PARADIXO 33,354 Posted March 16, 2020 I'm feeling super guilty today because my country is still acting like nothing is going on and I went to a bar It's so weird how everything is happening... it's weird to know how in other countries whole cities are in quarantine and people are locking themselves up to not spread the virus and here we're living our normal lifes going to the beach and being super reckless. I feel guilty because my mom is 62 and I'm super scared she might catch the virus and by going out I very well could bring the virus back home 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 16, 2020 ... 3 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VeniceBiatch 1,704 Posted March 16, 2020 my dad's a police officer and he literally told me that they were discussing the use of martial law in my city... so im a little panicked 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 16, 2020 ... 0 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 16, 2020 I ђшњеееееееееееееееееееееееее 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
house of balloons 12,799 Posted March 16, 2020 it's getting so bad here 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jvcx 3,644 Posted March 16, 2020 Well the number of infected is still relatively small here compared to some other countries (200-250) and so far only one has been reported to require intensive care. Some primary schools are closed but they're mostly in small towns, whereas most students of high schools and vocational schools are now staying home with online studies. The movie theater I work at is closed at least for this week, I was supposed to have four shifts with 34 hours total and double pay on Sunday. Apparently our boss is still trying to figure out the money issue as cancelling shifts without paying what we were supposed to get is illegal or something. From what I've heard he's trying to make some arrangements that we could come to work (even though we're closed from clients) so that we could have IT training or something like that. Obviously I wouldn't mind staying home as long as I still get paid but I also don't really mind going to work, as we can basically do whatever we want with no customers around or movies screening. At least our warehouse is a mess even though I've been arranging it. I don't know, I'm waiting for more information later today. Most people want the rest of the schools etc. to be closed and for example my parents let my 12-year-old sister stay home at least today since people seem to be quite confident that schools definitely will be closed. According to the news, half of the students in their region didn't show up at their schools today and even some employees decided to stay home, resulting in some schools being in trouble with very little staff. The government will have another press conference in 30 minutes about what actions will be taken next, I'm currently on a bus on my way home. Edit: Alright the conference has been postponed with two hours... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 16, 2020 ... 0 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kurac na Biciklu 2,359 Posted March 16, 2020 ђ789 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jvcx 3,644 Posted March 16, 2020 Well, gatherings of over 10 people are forbidden and... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites