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1 hour ago, evalionisameme said:

But honestly I do find the phenomenon interesting- we have celebrities like Katy Perry who have sexual assaulted harassed /mutiple men and led her greediness to a nuns death but Natalia makes one rude comment and is doomed for life :deadbanana:

the fact we let katy perry have a career period is interesting 


leak the barrie-james co-written songs + elvis (2013)

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I always thought the “draft” for bloom sounded so off between tracks. But I think I finally found a somewhat cohesive order that worx

01. Paper Substitute

02. Electric Gates

03. Gatorade

04. Midnight Ocean

05. Tame The Young

06. Lace

07. Gone Til Forever

08. Atoms

09. Painting Out The Sun

10. Nothing To Say



I also put Wait In The Benz as track 2 bc it needed a home :true:


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24 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

some of the comments are seriously braindead :bebe:

People saying stuff like "She agreed to do it, so she's in the wrong!" … it's really not that black and white, and either way—does she still deserve the vile hatred for this (clearly fabricated) incident, nearly 10 years later?


I really hate the mob mentality/moral superiority complex that so many showcase on the internet, hell-bent on cancelling people who don't know they exist. Teddy seems like such a sweetheart and deep down I always hope we'll get a proper CY comeback, even though it doesn't seem likely at all…

I do it just to amuse me 

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22 minutes ago, Coloringbooks said:

People saying stuff like "She agreed to do it, so she's in the wrong!" … it's really not that black and white, and either way—does she still deserve the vile hatred for this (clearly fabricated) incident, nearly 10 years later?


I really hate the mob mentality/moral superiority complex that so many showcase on the internet, hell-bent on cancelling people who don't know they exist. Teddy seems like such a sweetheart and deep down I always hope we'll get a proper CY comeback, even though it doesn't seem likely at all…

I honestly would consider changing my identity :facepalm: her IG comments are deranged still 10+ years later over some dumb comments which were likely scripted because there’s photos of her smiling with the contestant afterwards 

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People saying her house burning down is “karma” is insane to me! They think they are in a much higher moral ground while making those comments? Wtf 


All of this for some 8 year old comments in a staged show… it’s clear they only want a target to bully yet, once something actually horrible happens, they won’t own up to everything they have said 


givin pretty much 


mad respect for Teddy for not clapping back (that always fires back and it’s what this fuckers want)… she seems in a much happier place and in peace! 

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Im not a fan of name dropping but is insane how the same gays who come for Teddys neck everytime her name comes up are the same who support artist like Cardi B (who has admited to rob men), Azalea Banks (do I need to give an explanation?), Kim Petras (ally of Dr. Puke), Demi Lovato (BULLIED A YOGURT SHOP for gods sake), Ariana (spray painting herself black) Nicki Minaj (having a baby with a murderer) etc. Where’s the same energy? 


I don’t believe in cancel culture cause there’s more than one side to every story and I still support some of this artist. U can’t judge something u don’t have any information on, other than what the media has portrayed to us 


Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for supporting whoever u want because that’s ur personal choice (I do stan controversial artist all the time with no remorse) but the hypocrisy is out of this world. Just admit u don’t like her and end of the story, but to bring up the same old argument everytime, is tired now! 

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1 hour ago, Anonymcomenter said:

Im not a fan of name dropping but is insane how the same gays who come for Teddys neck everytime her name comes up are the same who support artist like Cardi B (who has admited to rob men), Azalea Banks (do I need to give an explanation?), Kim Petras (ally of Dr. Puke), Demi Lovato (BULLIED A YOGURT SHOP for gods sake), Ariana (spray painting herself black) Nicki Minaj (having a baby with a murderer) etc. Where’s the same energy? 


I don’t believe in cancel culture cause there’s more than one side to every story and I still support some of this artist. U can’t judge something u don’t have any information on, other than what the media has portrayed to us 


Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for supporting whoever u want because that’s ur personal choice (I do stan controversial artist all the time with no remorse) but the hypocrisy is out of this world. Just admit u don’t like her and end of the story, but to bring up the same old argument everytime, is tired now! 

The fact is everyone has done something mildly rude or bad in their life and the fact that two sceanarios on the same level with Natalia and Demi having vastly different consequences years later is just crazy 

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The whole XFactor/Teddy cancellation still baffles me because her commentary was pretty silly. Delusional at most. Willy's was actually disgusting, but she was the one that took all of the heat and was basically bullied out of her singing career.

Meanwhile we have actual monsters roaming free with succesful careers.


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2 hours ago, Anonymcomenter said:

People saying her house burning down is “karma” is insane to me! They think they are in a much higher moral ground while making those comments? Wtf 


the house burning down happened twice and well I have my theories..


Speaking again of the incident where she tried to set the house on fire she told Swagger New York: "I tried to set the house on fire with me and my boyfriend in it after an argument when I was 18.

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7 minutes ago, lovemooch said:

No offense but they lost nearly everything because their neighbor in the building’s apartment caught fire. They live-streamed the evac. I see what you’re trying to say but let’s not do that

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3 hours ago, lovemooch said:

That was a different boyfriend and haven’t many people said her early stories were either lies or exaggerations.

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5 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

That was a different boyfriend and haven’t many people said her early stories were either lies or exaggerations.

She was probably just trying to push this “bad girl” image she was trying so hard to portray during the Trouble era… 


Since her rebrand as Teddy Sinclair, her interactions with fans have changed drastically, probably the “troublemaker” image was something orchestrated by the label to go with the dark image. 

but that’s just a guess 

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10 hours ago, Anonymcomenter said:

Im not a fan of name dropping but is insane how the same gays who come for Teddys neck everytime her name comes up are the same who support artist like Cardi B (who has admited to rob men), Azalea Banks (do I need to give an explanation?)

THIS like azalea does not like you

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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5 minutes ago, Anonymcomenter said:

She was probably just trying to push this “bad girl” image she was trying so hard to portray during the Trouble era… 


Since her rebrand as Teddy Sinclair, her interactions with fans have changed drastically, probably the “troublemaker” image was something orchestrated by the label to go with the dark image. 

but that’s just a guess 

Yeah I’m not sure if the stories about leaving home at 16 and joining a cult are true at all tbh- how tf was she landing acting gigs otherwise even small ones.



It’s also worth noting that Natalias biggest hit to date in the UK atleast is still as verbalicious weirdly enough 

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Just now, evalionisameme said:

Yeah I’m not sure if the stories about leaving home at 16 and joining a cult are true at all tbh- how tf was she landing acting gigs otherwise even small ones.



i KIND OF believe the cult thing but its def not like what we're thinking, I think devil in paradise is sorta about that

the last rancid girl in a rancid world


and i don't seem to mind

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7 minutes ago, rancidgirl said:

i KIND OF believe the cult thing but its def not like what we're thinking, I think devil in paradise is sorta about that

It’s just funny to imagine because she was a main character on British children’s tv show near this time supposedly :lmao:

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