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Chris Cuomo

Katy Perry

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It's not exactly ground breaking nor is it spectacular. Also I had to do this on my phone using multiple apps buuut its infinitely better than what we've had so far.



Adding a check background makes it better? Are sure about this? Lmao

There's nothing wrong with this cover. Y'all always out to find something to complain about lmao



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that's all i have to say

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J1aWulk.jpgshe looks great, but mm the font on the bottom half. the proportion.. I mean she already looks herself disinterested, idk something's off I can't explain

i feel this. i hate that the red is so solid, it makes it feel like the actual cover got cut off right there. and it looks visually weird because she’s leaning on it but it doesn’t look like something you can lean on and the way it cuts above the elbows looks weird. and it looks like they added the blue coloring to “smile” to bring the two halves together but it doesn’t work. i don’t mind the “smile” font and shape because that feels “katy” to me. but the KP font looks cheap and like an add on.


but ....katy herself looks absolutely gorgeous

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i feel this. i hate that the red is so solid, it makes it feel like the actual cover got cut off right there. and it looks visually weird because she’s leaning on it but it doesn’t look like something you can lean on and the way it cuts above the elbows looks weird. and it looks like they added the blue coloring to “smile” to bring the two halves together but it doesn’t work. i don’t mind the “smile” font and shape because that feels “katy” to me. but the KP font looks cheap and like an add on.


but ....katy herself looks absolutely gorgeous

really tho.. and especially w her arms just being hidden behind it. the siiiiiize of it, and just how red's such a strong color, sort of makes it feel unbalanced. her font seems ok, but then u get to the sharpness(?) of the photo, sorta making it seem dated, which again, conflicts with how flat the title is.. 


and yeah no definitely, undeniable. 


I kinda wish this was more for the deluxe, and the standard just didn't have the red on, and had the rest of the outfit showing, w her casually sitting or something.. 


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Is she alright ? Why does she include multiple old songs in her tracklist,

HIH and NRO were only released in 2019, they aren't that old. They are good songs imo so I'm glad she put them on the album.

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And we complained about Lana's album covers. I'm sorry but THIS cover is one of the ugliest I've ever seen. Why couldn't she keep the Daisies aesthetic  :(

Bc she's the queen of inconsistency

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