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10th Anniversary of Ultraviolence - June 13th

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14 minutes ago, meIanchoIia said:

My rates

Standard tracklist:

- Cruel World- 10/10

- Ultraviolence- 10/10

- Shades of Cool- 10/10

- Brooklyn Baby- 10/10

- West Coast- 10/10

- Sad Girl- 10/10

- Pretty When You Cry- 10/10

- Money Power Glory- 10/10

- Fucked My Way Up To The Top- 10/10

- Old Money- 10/10

- The Other Woman- 10/10



- Black Beauty- 10/10

- Guns and Roses- 0/10

- Florida Kilos- 10/10


Exclusive Tracks:

- Flipside- 1000/10

- Is This Happiness- 1000/10

You’re so real for giving is this happiness the highest rating, I feel like 90% of lana’s fans don’t use Apple Music, that’s why it’s so underrated :trisha:, one of her best ballads

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3 minutes ago, ivory almond said:


-100/10 song unfortunately she knew she couldnt have a skipless album or it would cause a cvntquake too big :brigitte:

resident sweeter


24/7/17 - 9/7/23 - 10/7/23

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4 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:

i am no longer friends with guns & roses (i never was), new friendship with lost unlost PWYC video 

If this really isn't lost it makes me wonder about the California music video


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1 minute ago, ComebacktoCalifornia said:

If this really isn't lost it makes me wonder about the California music video

Or the Love Song Video.


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Just now, ultrabanisters said:

-100/10 song unfortunately she knew she couldnt have a skipless album or it would cause a cvntquake too big :brigitte:


I cannot believe the G&R slander im seeing rn... people see one clip of an unleaked homemade music video and turn into animals ig

Guns And Roses is a beautiful song with beautiful production and lyrics

The electric guitar and reverb drum combination is spectacular and the las vegas motorcycle wedding a&w photoshoot imagery eats every time i listen


Motorcycle love divine
I should have learned to let you play
I wasn't the marrying kind
I should have done it anyway
We should have left Las Vegas
And then began again
Took your bike to Detroit
Back to the promised land


one of her best verses, but ig some ppl arent ready to hear that yet


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I wonder how many outtakes, which we don't know about, from this album has been scrapped.



3 minutes ago, WaitForLife said:

Or the Love Song Video.

Still waiting for cherry music video:toofloppy:

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1 minute ago, DemonMic2003 said:

Or the Cherry Video.

Dosent exist

Just now, meIanchoIia said:

I wonder how many outtakes, which we don't know about, from this album has been scrapped.

I mean I'm pretty sure there's a whole sessions that we don't have anything from


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all i get is nostalgia from that year and the years after that... it took me quite some time to notice this was MY album. back in the day i didn't had spotify so i listened to it through youtube and soudcloud :toofloppy:. i was imediatly moved by sad girl - i still love the instrumental. others songs i started liking with time - such as when my dad had to move to other state and all i had in my head was old money.

and it was just like that, every song a memory. like when brooklyn baby was released and all i could think about was the guy in my school, when i had to move to other state leaving everything i knew behind while crying to flipside


love you to death xoxo. and im manifesting flipside and is this happiness on all streaming plataforms next week to celebrate

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