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I'm curious to know as well. I tried asking her a while ago~

It would be a great idea in my opinion. She's growing larger in popularity just from 4 songs and a snippet of another. A physical release is sure to attract more fans and promo and sales, because people like me would rather buy physical instead of digital.

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I have the video of the song 'I Will Love You More', but Allie requested our team not share



Can you please PM it to me? I won't post it. I just want it for my digital collection I have of hers.

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Can you please PM it to me? I won't post it. I just want it for my digital collection I have of hers.

we're just gonna let this girl traipse around w/ a gif of tongue tied (i assume) in her signature?


new level of pathetic??

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That's not even Allie. :lmao: Stop trying to pick a fight with me already. 

doesn't have to be footage of allie to be allie's footage. you've got the alternative catch and prime gifs, accompanied by that last second of footage. it's pretty clear that you're trying to seem kinda "#Xclusive" or something, so i'm gonna have to guess that gif is from tongue tied. call it an educated guess. if i'm wrong, i'm wrong. 

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doesn't have to be footage of allie to be allie's footage. you've got the alternative catch and prime gifs, accompanied by that last second of footage. it's pretty clear that you're trying to seem kinda "#Xclusive" or something, but i'm gonna have to guess that gif is from tongue tied. call it an educated guess. if i'm wrong, i'm wrong. 

It's not her, and it isn't from Tongue Tied. Why are you trying so hard? Let's not even get into you thinking you're better than everyone just because you have some unreleased songs. Don't play fucking dumb, wow, amazing, you have some songs that the public does not. That doesn't make you special. "Wow, you're so special and shady! Cool!" Literally no one gives one shit. Get that through your head. Okay?  :shh2:

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It's not her, and it isn't from Tongue Tied. 

okay then, that's all that's relevant to this "argument". i'm going to bed, and i'll leave you to decide whether or not you're telling the truth. nothing personal, but something 'bout it seems rather fishy. your signature is so allie-centered that including random footage just doesn't add up.

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I Will Love You More was active when I linked it at the beginning of the thread. It was actually a very cool and fun video, kinda weird, I guess. It was good though! I wonder why she wouldn't want it up.

She's still actively deleting everything from the older years. She recently finished wiping clean the page that had Headmaster (full), from an archive. I wonder why she's deleting all of it, it's stupid, "respect the artist" or not. Her Hughes and earlier music are some of the most amazing songs I've ever heard from any artist, even from my #1 fav. :deadbanana:

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okay then, that's all that's relevant to this "argument". i'm going to bed, and i'll leave you to decide whether or not you're telling the truth. nothing personal, but something 'bout it seems rather fishy. your signature is so allie-centered that including random footage just doesn't add up.

I could say the same for you and your "dude, I wish I had what you think I have" bullshit, you fucking hypocrite.

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I say everyone stop fighting and everyone leaks what they have that everyone else doesn't  :creep:  I mean you both have something the other does't sooo does it really matter


tbh I don't care about the video for I Will Love You More i'm actually pretty sure I saw it a few months ago if the allie x brasil channel was where it was. i want Tongue Tied


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is the i will love you more video gone for good or is it still being sent around? realllyyyy wanna watch it

b19Ibls.png i'll pray for you kathi- you and that disgusting mouth of yours. god bless 

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