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I never came here to say it, but I saw her in Charlotte a couple weeks ago on the ANTi World Tour and she was A M A Z I N G. It was one of the best shows I've ever been to without a doubt. ANTi is so so solid, definitely one of the best albums of the year.


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Literally no one posted this

Pretty boring but I love it, it's so sexy and she looks great


literally posted the day it came out in a literal status  :hooker:


literally only status worthy


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Honestly the best thing I've seen since Tropico. I'm an absolute sucker for these kinds of visuals and I love the song I'm just so happy rn. The one and only thing I like less is her haircut but I'd still let her bareback mountain me this was so fucking amazing I want to do something for it


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Wow that took me by surprise. Its a gorgeous Mv and really understated in a good way if that makes sense. Best MV I've seen in a long time :)


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