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My video essay on Lana's videography: "American Artificiality".

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Vimeo told me this was embedded here and got about 25 clicks from users here, but I couldn't quite find it on the forum. (Damn, it's huge. And damn, how have I not known of its existence?) If anybody can link me to that spot, that'd be awesome - but I also just wanted to start a thread for it. I've never done a video essay, but I plan on doing more (I'm currently putting some together for the films of Sofia Coppola, John Carpenter, Eric Rohmer, Don Hertzfeldt, and other filmmakers). It says something about my thoughts for Del Rey when I put her up with names such as them. Thought other Lana fans would appreciate what I think about her and such. 


Oh, and hi new frequent forum I shall visit!  :holla:

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this is amazing :cumming: 

you should share it on every LDR fan page and maybe sub it in different lenguages so it gets more reconigtion, like brazilian and spanish, italian too maybe  ;)


If you could, pm or post somewhere a bigger interpretation of the West Coast video, I've been searching someone to give a nice idea and yours was on point. Your abilities of interpretation are awesome. Never had thought about the Born To Die videos like that, thanks for sharing :kiss2:


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this is amazing :cumming:

you should share it on every LDR fan page and maybe sub it in different lenguages so it gets more reconigtion, like brazilian and spanish, italian too maybe  ;)


If you could, pm or post somewhere a bigger interpretation of the West Coast video, I've been searching someone to give a nice idea and yours was on point. Your abilities of interpretation are awesome. Never had thought about the Born To Die videos like that, thanks for sharing :kiss2:


Bah. If I knew how to sub, I would. I mean, I know how - but oh my, the consumption of time there.... agh. 


But thank you so much. I would love to elaborate on "West Coast" and my interpretation. If you have any questions, feel free to swing them my way, and I'll respond as swift as possible with some more details, examples, and such. 

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Bah. If I knew how to sub, I would. I mean, I know how - but oh my, the consumption of time there.... agh. 


But thank you so much. I would love to elaborate on "West Coast" and my interpretation. If you have any questions, feel free to swing them my way, and I'll respond as swift as possible with some more details, examples, and such.


I knew I had seen your name before  :P


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This was so exciting to watch, thank you for taking the time to make it! Though I think you overinterpreted at times (I think Lana is a much more intuitive songwriter, in this regard I think she sometimes gets too much credit) and though I disagree with your use of the term 'objectification', you brought up a very interesting point by saying that Lana's financially well off beginnings were what gave her insight into the emptiness of the American dream (especially since people often use her background to discredit her legitimacy). I think this is also where her fearlessness in creating her own reality/image arose. We live in an age where there is such a high emphasis placed on being 'real/raw' (even in the entertainment industry) and the irony is that this often just ends up producing a bad imitation of reality. In Lana's case it is more like an imitation of artificiality, because like you said, she deliberately references things that are famous for being illusory, and yet she does this so obviously that it ends up feeling genuine.

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