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Trash Magic

Lizzigrant.com Live!

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I did something small for fun and brought the best website on the internet back to life  :toofunny:






I made all of the elements as true to the original as possible.




(Lizzigrant.com as seen September 2005)


I know this isn't a new discovery, I just wanted to bring it to life and start  a discussion on it.


One thing that I can't be sure of is what exactly the image and link at the bottom are. I'm guessing by listing A Course In Miracles, Lana was just putting her favourite things / current interests on this page, and considering the image below is a square, it's likely it's an album or another book.


To me, it looks like the hyperlink below it says "God & Man" or "Good Mom" lol


The picture itself looks like a menu or bill on a restuarnt table and says "To C____y" at the top??

I'd love to know what you guys make of it. 



"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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Even if this is something small, I absolutely love that you took the time to do it! It's kind of surreal to see the page as it would've looked if it were still live. 


As for the debatable pictures/words, I feel as if the hyperlink is either one of the two phrases you mentioned, or, "Good Man", as used in "Gramma", although it was written much later. It also likely has no bearing (don't know if Lana's ever professed to being a fan), but I knew "God & Man" reminded me of a song-- the phrase appears pretty heavily through David Bowie's "Modern Love". I figure that nothing is too much of a stretch with Lana, lol.


On the subject of "Modern Love" and Lana, allow me to go on a tangent for a sec-- I noticed this lyric in the song: "I catch a paper boy... I'm standing in the wind" which immediately brought to mind "Fordham Road": "I catch a dollar in the wind"-- which was ostensibly written around the time of lizzigrant.com.... really, really tangential but worth throwing out there, I guess, lmao


Concerning the other photo, I can't tell if it's "To" or "The", and I'm unsure if it's a "C" or "O" that begins that next word. I'm extremely puzzled on that one. 


Anyway, great job! I appreciate this project a lot . 


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This is adorable! The thing at the bottom could def be "the" something, as in the name of a restaurant or something like that? Personally I read a C afterwards but I also read something as the orchid, I have no idea. The Orchard is a NY restaurant tho? The vault looks fucking beautiful btw, I love UI design


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