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Lana Del Rey's new web store to go live soon (new merchandise)

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This is speculation so I'm not sure if it deserves to be in the news section, but Lana recently changed her Instagram link to her new webpage for her new store "shoplanadelrey.com" (previously her merchandise was sold on store.lanadelrey.com and her music on the universal sites per region).


I'm not sure when she changed the link, but it must have been recently. The links (at least on my phone) are dead ends. They don't lead anywhere or redirect. The store must have been taken down so she can relaunch soon. I'd expect the new merch to be up in around a week if that's the case, or less. Maybe not cause it's lana and it's hard to estimate anything :w8ing:


A totally new store sounds exciting though, hopefully she's gone all out and given us the LFL bong and heroin spoons we've all been asking for xx


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