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Kim Petras

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4 hours ago, the ocean said:

so basically so far from this era we have



  • Malibu
  • Future Starts Now
  • Coconuts
  • the Slut Pop ep


  • Kim Kim Kim
  • Je t'adore
  • Your Turn To Cry
  • i know there's others i can't remember of the top of my head

Performed Live in Some Regard:

  • Hit It From The Back
  • Somber

you forgot something about you

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kim you gave me very happy memories listening to era 1 and clarity as well as the very happy memory of me being at your concert

but this - along with the throat goat thing - and just you generally accepting the despicable behavior of these men - just has me at a point where i feel like this is just absolutely unacceptable

 5oDY3ok.gif ZLI8w1N.png 5oDY3ok.gif

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1 hour ago, the ocean said:




kim you gave me very happy memories listening to era 1 and clarity as well as the very happy memory of me being at your concert

but this - along with the throat goat thing - and just you generally accepting the despicable behavior of these men - just has me at a point where i feel like this is just absolutely unacceptable

i was about to say Cupcakke should’ve been on XXX but now…:eek3:



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7 hours ago, COLORINGBOOKS said:

I didn't even notice that lyric when I heard the song... mess :facepalm:

this is the FIRST thing that i thought of. the name drop like that just to make a lyric rhyme was so incredibly disrespectful and just bitchy. i didn’t like kim petra’s music after clarity in the first place but this is straight up cunt-y. like what a horrible move. it’s kinda funny how ppl unstanned/“cancelled” lana by twisting her words from QFTC but Kim is literally working with a rapist and called out someone who went through the same thing AND spoke against him in court. if anyone needs to be cancelled it’s kim but all of these white gay twinks look past it BeCaUsE iTs a BoP 


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if y’all held everyone in your personal lives to the same standards that you hold celebrities then you’d have very few (if any) people in your life. it just blows my mind how people act like they know a celebrity personally to the point where they insult them for being associated with a bad person. like what does complaining online actually do to make a difference?? & no i’m not referring to the people who comment on these things from a place of legitimate concern / education, but the swarm of gays that hop on a bandwagon of hate for the sake of expelling their own nastiness & negativity. 

trans women in pop music are virtually nonexistent & I just don’t see the point in spitting venom at Kim for seizing good business / career opportunities. yes her interview about dr puke was tone deaf, but you really can’t deny internet culture’s obsession with hating on any and every woman in pop music under the guise of morality. the way some of you seize the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon and trash her (and other pop girls) over some irrelevant mess… if it wasn’t Kim, dr puke would still be collecting checks from his past major hits or another girl (like doja cat)….. 


anyway like i said yes her interview was tone deaf and stupid but do not come at me about supporting rapists just because i don’t want to burn someone at the stake for being associated with one. 


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50 minutes ago, Hundred Dollar Bill said:

if y’all held everyone in your personal lives to the same standards that you hold celebrities then you’d have very few (if any) people in your life. it just blows my mind how people act like they know a celebrity personally to the point where they insult them for being associated with a bad person. like what does complaining online actually do to make a difference?? & no i’m not referring to the people who comment on these things from a place of legitimate concern / education, but the swarm of gays that hop on a bandwagon of hate for the sake of expelling their own nastiness & negativity. 

trans women in pop music are virtually nonexistent & I just don’t see the point in spitting venom at Kim for seizing good business / career opportunities. yes her interview about dr puke was tone deaf, but you really can’t deny internet culture’s obsession with hating on any and every woman in pop music under the guise of morality. the way some of you seize the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon and trash her (and other pop girls) over some irrelevant mess… if it wasn’t Kim, dr puke would still be collecting checks from his past major hits or another girl (like doja cat)….. 


anyway like i said yes her interview was tone deaf and stupid but do not come at me about supporting rapists just because i don’t want to burn someone at the stake for being associated with one. 

i agree with what you say about  internet cultures obsession with hating on women in the music industry, but the point everyone’s trying to make is that calling out kim for being a literal RAPE APOLOGIST and a victim blamer, isn’t hate towards her as a woman or a trans woman. there are plenty of trans women musicians you can support that don’t support rapists, just not all of them are mainstream. it’s not only the fact that she worked with dr luke, because plenty of musicians are signed into their contract to HAVE to. she just said that she wanted to do it again. and i do hold people accountable like that in my personal lives. 


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16 minutes ago, bigspender said:

i agree with what you say about  internet cultures obsession with hating on women in the music industry, but the point everyone’s trying to make is that calling out kim for being a literal RAPE APOLOGIST and a victim blamer, isn’t hate towards her as a woman or a trans woman. there are plenty of trans women musicians you can support that don’t support rapists, just not all of them are mainstream. it’s not only the fact that she worked with dr luke, because plenty of musicians are signed into their contract to HAVE to. she just said that she wanted to do it again. and i do hold people accountable like that in my personal lives. 

I understand and respect your opinion. I don’t disagree when it comes to people calling her out for trying to sweep his behavior under the rug. She would have been better off not answering the question at all in that interview. I just notice people jumping at the opportunity to chime in with hateful remarks (whether it’s here, twitter, or insta) and that’s what annoys me. 

i’ve just noticed this behavior in the majority of artist threads here lately whether or not it is warranted. People have become so comfortable with being rude to anyone that doesn’t share their exact sentiments. Even if there’s common ground, it’s like nobody can have a respectful conversation anymore. 

1 minute ago, CoochieSwirlC said:

People who still willingly stream and support this dumb bitch have rotting shit in their brains


LMAO comments like this are exactly what i’m talking about. Like streaming a song makes someone rotted disgusting shit apparently. Whatever makes you feel superior i guess. 


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i saw a ton of tweets claiming that kim willingly re-signed with dr. luke last year but later saw some claiming that she signed with him in 2013 and has been stuck ever since, similar to doja cat. i also saw people saying that she’s liked tweets attacking kesha over the allegations and now i’m seeing tweets that the screenshot was photoshopped. so a lot of the info on twitter is confusing as hell because i don’t know what’s true. either way i obviously hate the fact that kim is associated with such a disgusting person but there seems to be people spreading around things that aren’t even confirmed 


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