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Everything posted by FredRed

  1. You are so talented. My handwriting and drawing ability peaked in 3rd grade. I am always amazed by people who can draw, paint and sculpt. If you get bored try some Ziggy era Bowie pics. Google it for some image ideas.
  2. What like, "Only when ye look like Anne Hathaway can ye enter the Gates of Heaven, so it is written, so it will be"
  3. The truth is not out there, it's here!!!! Save yourself before it's too late. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDnGSfzJFF-/
  4. The second part of this is odd. Either her earrings are really heavy or she's getting a back rub. Or both. https://www.instagram.com/p/CDkJkrSJl6m/
  5. I don't have that on my phone and won't but if you have the ability to post some here that would be nice. (without compromising this site) Maybe there are some YouTube posts with them. Thanks
  6. I posted this in another thread but maybe it should be here. This is not a "review" that would be counted in Metacritic or quoted but it comes from a guy who knows or claims to know about poetry. Watch it! With reviews you have to consider the source. I know nothing about poetry and I probably won't read the book as much as listen to Lana read it. I think she did a great job. Not trying too hard, over acting but very genuine. If people don't like it they can ask for a refund. Good luck.
  7. Born to Fry Lust for Slice Happiness is a Butterfly Shrimp Brooklyn Pizza Baby West Garlic Toast (I'll stop now)
  8. I just bought it on Audible but it says processing. I must sleep now and work tomorrow. I guess I'll hear it tomorrow evening. Reception is better than I anticipated! Yay.
  9. Why? (this poem did not make it to the final release) Because her name is Lana Which rhymes with banana Which is what monkeys eat Ever read a monkey Tweet? What else can I say It's Lana Del Rey!
  10. Bumped in to this searching for some clips from the poetry book.Well done!!!
  11. FredRed

    Taylor Swift

    I am Pro Taylor as i wish her a happy and healthy life. Otherwise I don't have much interest in her. I did watch this video. Notice this lyric, And when I felt like I was an old cardigan Under someone's bed You put me on and said I was your favorite Sounds a little like You fit me better than my favorite sweater AH HA I've cracked the code!
  12. Lana Zel Rey I hate to sound like a buzz kill but the idea of these 2 driving cross country alone makes me nervous. They probably aren't and they're not kids. Just me feeling protective.
  13. This just in: Chemtrails Over the Country Club to be re-titled Car-Fails Over Lanaboards!
  14. Just some guy Lana met an hour ago.
  15. Wow!!!!! This should keep Lana smiling for a few months. Fantastic.
  16. I didn't know where to post this but COVID or not it's still mid July!
  17. Yes! Flo needs love too. Yes.
  18. Is this real? https://twitter.com/Bob_Turn/status/1281657864734617602?s=09
  19. It was nice to see her upbeat and happy. She's very excited about this release. I hope she has the same zeal for the record. Oh yeah the record. Interscope: Lana you forgot to mention the record. Lana: I did once already and my stans, fans, glands, whatever they are know more about the release than I do. Give me some space please!
  20. Fake update. A little bit of a new Lana song has leaked. Summertime Gladness The fan through the window was making me wet Not the electric one a real one named Brett Peering through the window where he shouldn't have been He was tall, muscular and beautifully thin We danced by the ocean which was vivid and mild Nine months from now I'll be having Brett's child
  21. This just in! Late change. New album cover is a retro shot of the HOLLYWOOD sign on fire. New album title, "Video Flames"
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