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Hundred Dollar Bill

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Everything posted by Hundred Dollar Bill

  1. I just don't understand.. as a fellow long-time Charli fan, how do you not love Next Level Charli? it's a love letter to her fans - it's a lyrical culmination of everything she is as a songwriter. it's an homage to XCX World with the Bounce reference.. it's a stadium-sized anthem of a song that's basically the most euphoric chorus I've ever heard for the ENTIRE SONG!!!!! there's just certain songs that I feel like some of y'all fans claim not to like just to sound edgy, because it really makes no sense to me how anyone that has actually been a fan of Charli for all these years could dislike such a moment in her discography...
  2. Fell asleep to Every Rule on repeat last night. The instrumental is like a lullaby.
  3. We need to make sure this album is successful… she truly deserves it. She’s been working harder than ever before to create something so epic & exciting. Not just the music which is always excellent but now the visuals are on another level. My feelings for this album + era reminds me of how excited i was around 12/13 years old when Blackout & Circus were coming out… I’m ready to end personal relationships with anyone in my life who isn’t willing to stream this album LMAOO
  4. me writing a petition to make it illegal for anyone to mention the bald nobody youtuber whose opinion has literally never mattered or had any credibility:
  5. I got an email this evening that my vinyl + cd are on the way.
  6. Ok you SPILLED i’m so glad somebody said what i’ve been thinking for years… Lana will always have a special place in my heart, but for real. Charli stole my number 1 (angel) spot in like 2016 and i don’t think i’ll ever love another artist as much as i love charli now.
  7. u should be banned for that one
  8. so true bestie honestly at my happiest being my gayest self drunkenly dancing / singing to charli’s music… BROOKE CANDY FAG MOBB CHARLI XCX CUPCAKKE ON THE TRACKKK
  9. Hundred Dollar Bill's Music Mafia Xcxclusive Preliminary High Quality New Crash Album Ranking: GOD TIER 11/10 Lightning Crash Twice Every Rule Used to Know Me STILL PERFECT.. 10/10 Baby Constant Repeat Good Ones New Shapes Move Me Yuck - 8/10 I love it, but could use that extra oomph that I feel the demo had?? Beg For You - 7/10 great throwback w/ that modern touch, but I feel like it's missing a third act, especially considering it's a Rina feature
  10. I never doubted Charli for a second with the sell-out concept.. so happy to see the majority loving it + it being received so well by critics. I feel like she is just one of those once-in-a-lifetime artists that has a true passion for music at its core.. like Bjork in a way. You can just tell she lives & breathes music. Despite the short track lengths, the songs are all composed so well that they don't even feel that short. Crash is like a movie.. beginning, middle, & end.. AND THEN SOME!! at only 2:10!!! that takes talent, vision, a deeper understanding of music composition!! I've been a fan of Charli from the jump and I've always known she had that true understanding of music but it's so gratifying to see it applied to a sell-out mpg concept album. Crash is definitely one of her best albums.. for me it's a close second to Number 1 Angel.
  11. Hey guys welcome back to my channel!! Coming in hot with another intellectual take tonight. For all of you saying Every Rule reminds u of the Twin Peaks theme... I say ok alright. But have u considered this?
  12. get u a man that loves u as much as ItsLolene loves Sweat
  13. yeah it just sounds like a fancy pants mix tbh.. i can play with the EQ in my settings to get a similar effect
  14. dolby atmos just sounds like a conspiracy theory to me but maybe I'm just old sell it to me lol.. what's the difference if u can explain ??? also is dolby atmos only available to stream or ??? is there a setting when bought digitally to get it in that quality?
  15. TASTE except I personally rank Every Rule higher for its beautiful melody & what Charli said about not being able to do this song with anyone but AG because of the controversial lyrical content regarding relationships + how she knows he doesn't judge her.. just like the intimacy of them recording it in some garage at night with crickets chirping outside is so beautiful..... also I'm a ballad bitch. For me tbh every song is a 11/10 or 10/10 except for like Beg For You which I'd give a 7/10. I need to sit down and do a FULL review for the crickets in my yard tbh.
  16. Charli if ur reading this just know how much my minimum wage (ok slightly above min wage but still broke) ass loves u, buying CRASH on CD + digital + vinyl but it's worth every penny for one of the best pop albums of the last 10 years
  17. omg my redemption era!!! I should drunk post more often Lightning has been on repeat for an hour… this might be my second favorite Charli song OF ALL TIMEEE right after Babygirl there’s really no other like her i could cry
  18. ALSO I WILL BE THE FIRST TO SAY IT BECAUSE I’M SO INTELLIGENT AND BRAVE!!!! CRASH is Charli’s BLACKOUT!!! no i will not elaborate thank u!!!
  19. Am i deaf or were the cute like… outer space twinkley sound effects in the Yuck demo removed from the final?? I hate that.
  20. I just realized that it’s a full moon tomorrow. Charli dedicated Crash to Sophie & is releasing it on a full moon… excuse me while i sob.
  21. My Every Rule poster order was refunded… it’s over.
  22. The second verse of Lightning is literally heaven... the entire song is such a JOURNEY like nothing she's released in years. The way it could fit perfectly on True Romance but also is clearly an evolution of that vibe... We need Ariel back for a full album!!!!
  23. i clicked the link somebody shared and was able to purchase it?? Shipping was like $15 lmao but it didnt tell me my address was an issue… ????
  24. Every Rule is so beautiful. The synths are perfect, the drums slowly getting louder & quiet again throughout the song… the post-chorus vocalizing with the perfect amount of autotune being turned up to 11… Charli isn’t known for her ballads but i swear, she’s just as good at them as Lana.
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