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Posts posted by Veinsineon

  1. Stop whining about what she does and praise her, we're getting a Paper Love music video and probably a Deluxe and or a B-sides album since she recorded over 50 songs from 2015-2017. It'll come just be glad we finally have a full album. I TBH am so happy to see her happy. Paper Love is going viral and she's actually promoting shit. Lana should take notes :crossed:

  2. Ranking:


    1. Downtown

    2. Need You

    3. Simon Says

    4. Casanova

    5. Lifted

    6. True Love Is Violent

    7. Paper Love

    8. OHDH

    9. Vintage

    10. That's So Us

    me when n********* starts talking 



    um? do i know you?

    Also idk where u guys got ur leak but mine is the original too.... :oprah3:

  3. glam is really old, it was finished in 2013 so i doubt she would've even considered it

    she teased it, just like with sculpture and other remasters



    Alexandra (Remaster)

    All The Rage (Remaster)

    Bad Karma

    Boyfriend (Could be for Troye's album as well.)


    Feels Like Love

    Glam (Love Me Forever)

    Golden Days


    Misbeliving (Remaster)

    Purge (Remaster)

    Offering (Original Downtown)

    Remember Forever



    Too Much To Dream (Remaster)

  5. I think Offering is an alt title for Downtown on ISWC

    they're two different songs, Allie posted lyrics to Offering on instagram and Downtown doesn't have those lyrics

  6. ALSO i made an edit of a tracklist that would we would have if Allie decided to continue the one worded track title for her albums and leaving the multiple worded titles for the deluxe


  7. Did some research + digging around and...





    these are all from BTS of Paper Love. The first two are from her instagram story in the abandoned asylum a very long time ago.

    The second one is near the entrance she posted it a few months ago and i also posted it on my Allie account and it's confirmed BTS because one of her managers commented "Nancy Drew!"

    which i have to say is a compliment. thats here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BTWPW5gA7cy/?taken-by=alliexsource

  8. We still don't have Theif and Debut in 320kps .........



    those are like the Untouchable three of Allie X and i need them all in HQ.





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