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Posts posted by Lanalouis1

  1. Not OP (obviously) but to my ears the cheap sound Jack manages to give everything makes me cringe (as in physically cringe). The intro and the outro both exemplify this for me personally. The first few times I listened to it, I didn't pick up on anything (because I was still hyped to hear the song). After that I started noticing the cheapness of the instruments, the kind of snappy-rolly guitar at the start (if that makes any sense lmao), the drums that lead into the chorus sound atrocious, and the piano at the end sounds just... bad, and again, cheap. I know Jack plays many instruments, but honestly if I had to guess I'd say that he uses one of those keyboards that plays the sounds of different instruments well enough to be mistaken at first listen, but poorly enough to not have any depth. If these did have actual instruments then it's almost a feat he manages to make them sound so packaged and like something you'd hear in a fanmade instrumental.

    All the piano on the record is "real" acoustic piano - unsure of its quality or whether mixing is an issue. 

    The majority of tracks use the Mellotron - an instrument in its own right that replicates the sound of other instruments which has been used prolifically on all of Lana's albums. 

    If you check the credits, then sax, flutes and violin are credited on The Greatest as well as the obvious guitars, synths, piano etc. 

    If the production or instruments don't sound right it's probably an issue with mixing and engineering, not production per se


    I personally love the sound of the album and the direction Lana went in and it was totally her intention to go for a more organic sound as opposed to the clean polished sound of BTD 

    The Greatest is a highlight for me in every way, a career-defining song imo 

  2. lmfao


    This video exemplifies how he lacks the ability to produce a Lana album/song. 'The greatest' is lyrically great, besides the "culture is lit" lyrics which are very "hey how do you do fellow kids?" to my ears. But a beautifully produced song with properly recorded, mastered instrumentation and vocals it is not.

    what's wrong with it in your opinion?

  3. With the sound analysis - loved it! 


    Few points to add:  


    • Lana and her producers have always been a fan of the Mellotron (and so am I) but Jack in particular seems to love the Mellotron french horns - aka the intro of Love Song, HTD, used prolifically in Venice, California etc, that is what THAT sound is (personally I love it and how warm and tacky it sounds) 
    • Love the synth glissando and the brass in the title track and how the opening strings are exactly the same as what plays in the chorus 
    • Increased bass and synths in the outro of FIILY are incredible
    • Love subtle changes in vocal processing ie. reverb, delay, doubling on Love Song and the harmonies in MAC
    • Mixing is too loud on HTD and don't like dynamic changes but can see they were intentional
    • California is pretty flat and the vocals could have been better, could have been more rocky, less repetitive etc
    • The Greatest is one of my fave songs ever even though it's a bit anticlimatic - also don't really hear the strings, flute and horns that are credited, interesting vocal crack/flutter on greaaaaaaaaatest. Love the use of octave vocal doubling in this track and how the last chorus has more guitar
    • The "dance" in HIAB after the chorus is out of time with the main vocal line and the guitar swells are nice if not a bit overbearing at times 

    Overall love this album sonically but it could have been cleaner and would have liked more bridges

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