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Everything posted by naachoboy

  1. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    i think that she dropped the song early to see the reaction of the people, maybe she and interscope thought it wasnt a good choice for first single
  2. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    i knew it x.x!! she didnt release the song today :rip:
  3. did u see the last episode!?
  4. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    that was a bullshit!!
  5. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    hope this get release on march 26th x.x
  6. i think in this performance she did good but idk about the range and staff
  7. the people from the show noticed the faces and they kept showing her while lana was talking hahaha
  8. someone needs to do some gifs from emeli's faces haahahahahaahha
  9. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    i didnt realize that o.O
  10. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    YUNG RAPUNXEL ‏@AZEALIABANKS #np - "Noir" - Lana Del Rey
  11. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    i think is the hair color in the weave that she is wearing now
  12. Currently Watching: Revenge Favorites: Misfits (all seasons)
  13. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    YUNG RAPUNXEL ‏@AZEALIABANKS some Lana del Rey teas going on in this weave.
  14. naachoboy


    i like ghost lights too
  15. naachoboy


    ikr, its so good, i listened the album two times already haha
  16. mm this must be the reason why shes recording another album so quick
  17. naachoboy


    i downloaded it im listening now
  18. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

  19. naachoboy

    Azealia Banks

    this song is growing on me i like it a lot now haha
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