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Everything posted by Lust

  1. Y'all are making me laugh w these gifs y'all are too much But fam squad, I'm concerned about her drinking bc I thought she had a drinking problem
  2. Fam?? Since when does Lana keep up w the lingo Although I'm not happy about this I'm glad she said something
  3. You know I would be ok with July 21st (or a date around that) if Lana acted more like a pop star like doing televised performances and other promo and just overall having a more eventful era but that's not the case with Lana and I know that so it's why I don't understand the big push-back and I honestly don't understand why the album isn't finished at this point (if it really is unfinished) - like how can you even make an album trailer when you don't have a finished album?? And the only other way I'd be happy with July 21 is if there are like 16 or more songs...rant over
  4. So what your saying is we won't even know for sure on Thursday?
  5. What is your favorite part of this era? Mine: space theme and Lana's happiness
  6. 32 hours to go, and then I'll know what kind of meltdown to post on this website
  7. About 49 hours ladies, then we'll kno if may 26 is the day
  8. If the album comes out Friday then we should start seeing it on other country iTunes stores on Thursday and then everywhere by 8 PM Thursday l.a time? Because that's what I noticed with other releases
  9. I literally commented this after yall discussed it
  10. I could see it happening bc like in February I think Lana met up with someone in Apple music (don't remember if he was the head if apple music or some other position) because he posted a pic of him w her and apple music has been commenting on album related stuff on her IG and twitter
  11. Did Lana actually ever say she finished the album? Ik it's very unlikely that she isn't but what if it's the truth and Lana wants to add more or something?
  12. I wanna do a poll here about who believe the album is coming on Friday or don't and people who believe been or not is it ok if I make a thread for if since y'all always tell me that it's unnecessary...
  13. If it's a vocal collab will they even sound good together?
  14. Probably not bc it's not part of the alboom
  15. Ok I was hoping for a more of a storyline but the video is just so cute it completely makes up for it and I love it. In the first scene Lana was snatching wigs left and right I was SHOOKT at that choreography and for once the background dancers are actually in the BACKGROUND... Anyways I love the vid it's​ super cute, and I really wanted Lana to announce the date today but I guess it might be a surprise release and I know I shouldn't get my hopes up but it's too late and I'm patiently waiting for Thursday night
  16. Based on when Lana has posted album related things in this era I think it'll probably be released at 8:00 AM to 11:00 AM LA time.. I might be wrong tho
  17. Ugh why can't we just know when the album is coming, this is making me think either it's a surprise or even Lana herself doesn't know
  18. Mebe they just edited it out for whatever reason
  19. How many pages do you guys think we'll get to by Saturday? 1500?
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