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Posts posted by Lust

  1. In case y'all still think the Spotify and apple music screen shots r real , yesterday fan accounts were posting them to troll so they're not real, unless there was a second Spotify screenshot bc the one I saw is with Four Leaf Clover as part of the tracklist and that one is definitely fake bc fan accounts were trolling with it yesterday

  2. Okay, I know you guys probably don't care at all lol, but I work at Target and I know for a fact that we don't get albums and stuff until 1-3 days before the release! Like it's usually the day before, but the earliest we'd get it is 3 days before the release. In my opinion, there is no way that'd we'd keep an album in our backroom for 2 months while waiting for the release, and furthermore, if we DID agree to do that somehow, I'm more than positive that someone would eventually accidentally put it out (not necessarily in MY store, but at SOME target somewhere), and it'd easily be leaked online soon after!

    Is it possible if you are able check if the album is shipping by the 26th if you guys have a delivery schedule or something?

  3. Sometimes I think you guys forget what thread this is supposed to be about lmaooo probably why we're just 4 pages away from 800.

    While we're on the topic of being off topic, I discovered earlier today that I spend approximently $150 a month on strawberries. Isn't that crazy?? I find it pretty crazy. Strawberries are my comfort food. I love strawberries.5bd7f447-e7ee-4db5-98dc-8432f43a85d7.gif

    150 dollars?? holy shit. Gorl how many do u in one sitting?? I love strawberries too btw but my fav fruit is oranges
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