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Posts posted by Lust

  1. Wilson seems nice and I have a feeling that he likes her. She needs stability in her private life which can effect positively her career. He is a musician and that was her pattern with boyfriends (exception is Fran): low profile (talented) musicians. So, the fucked my way to the top line is totally sarcastic. Her looks and behavior became so mundane but it's a conscious choice from her because she wants to avoid any negativity in the press. She's not even attempting to do some promo and it seems that everybody is at peace with that: Lana, her managers, her label and it's time for us to except her choice. What remains it's her music and performances and it will be really interesting to observe how much gravitas these things have without the meta discussion about her looks, style and background story - because, let's face it, her banal outings in jeans and white shirt it is not worthy of any discussion anymore.


    Does that mean no more iconic eras?
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