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Everything posted by Homewrecker69

  1. Homewrecker69

    Tove Lo

    I don't unfortunately! I bought the singles on iTunes and found the rest on tumblr! The Tove Lo tag should have most everything.
  2. Homewrecker69

    Tove Lo

    Official Released: Love Ballad Habits Stranger Run On Love Out of Mind Unreleased: Paradise Evil Spawn Jealousy Not Made For This World (Live Version) There are many more songs that were put on her Soundcloud (since have been deleted, only a few people saved them) but these are the ones that can actually be found online I believe..
  3. Homewrecker69

    Tove Lo

    On her instagram, she said she's putting the final touches on the EP! Yay! Hopefully we get it soon. And also Jealousy and Evil Spawn are wonderful.
  4. Homewrecker69

    Charli XCX

    Does anyone have the True Romance album mega-mix preview thing-y that was released before the album came out? I can't find it
  5. Homewrecker69

    Charli XCX

    Can someone please PM me the two "Set Me Free (Feel My Pain)" demos please! thank you
  6. Homewrecker69

    Charli XCX

    Hi!! Could someone please PM me a link for the Feel My Pain Demo, the other album sampler demos, and/or Interior, please! Thanks in advance
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