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Everything posted by FLL

  1. Could have convinced me but then you put life is beautiful on derAlso wasn't B.a.r registered as Architecture
  2. Does anyone know where I can order/pre-order the article? Is the link on the first page legit?
  3. I'm glad you have a heart of gold even tho I didn't ask. While the article was shit, none of y'all can know what she's done in her life, or what she's had to fight for. She might be one of the people who have worked to get their degree and have struggled through paying a shit ton of tuition. She might be working on these articles, publishing them because it's the type of article that her boss wants her to write. People who write articles are very rarely completely free to write whatever they'd like, while she did over-share her shit opinion. She might be working here in order to one day better the world. The fact is you and anyone else who started yes dragging her for her education--"I can't believe she has a four year degree and is writing this shit." "I bet she paid a shit ton too" "Yeah her parents probably paid for her." "Or imagine if she took out student loans." Y'all can attack the article for being shit sure, but you have no clue who this woman is and what she's experienced or even what she hopes to do--yet you're quick to guess and judge her based on your own opinion of her.
  4. Wow draging someone for having an education, this thread really likes to pull out all the stops
  5. I got my entire life from Shakira the self titled album. But I mean generally the people listening to shakira aren't Lana' s audience
  6. If it makes you guys feel better shakira is releasing an album May 26 and she just announced today
  7. She said it'll be out spring, she didn't say which hemisphere.
  8. you know like when lana be on instagram and it's like "i cant believe my song is on the radio". Maybe it's not the "can't believe it" in the sense like omg I've made it--rather the "I can't believe it" in the sense like she literally didn't know it was out.
  9. And Lollapalooza is restricted to an hour I believe, so she'll cut out Serial Killer--the fan fav.
  10. Don't worry even if the album is out before her performances, she'll still spend the entire set playing most of Born to Die and two Ultraviolence songs.
  11. send this to ed until he does something about releasing LIB
  12. That doesn't prove anything about first week album sales? Let's talk about how the album is supposed to go on sale in two weeks time, but she hasn't so much as posted even a single word of the album title on her insta/twitter/snap, whathaveyou since the title track came out almost a month ago.
  13. With the way Lana handles her record releases, I believe she gives not even a single shit about first week albums sales.
  14. Haha you acting like her casual fans will be sitting around disappointed that she aint release anything physical. When we all know that the people buying her physical product are the people who will wait 400 years for it and have the release date written in their calendars with it starred and heart'd, while simultaneously we complain that the latest Paris match isn't out yet. Like for real aint no one but the entirety of Lana boards gonna be upset if Lana decided to go completely digital.
  15. Well when Beyoncé released Lemonade and Beyoncé she didn't have physical copies produced until the albums had been released. Because when albums go into physical production, they have a high chance of being leaked. Maybe she's gonna do the same thing because her work has been so often leaked early.
  16. If Lana and Marina record a song together, I reckon (lollol kill me I can't believe I just said that) it'll be something like Happy, I think Lana's voice would be a nice complement to that song tbh.
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