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Posts posted by Tammy

  1. as others said this predates lombardy and also there is not a single date near italy, additionally acts are currently touring europe and doing fine.


    also i think a lot of u are forgetting that she (and her team) are losing money on their end + cancelling an entire tour will probably make getting tour insurance harder in the future.

    Has nothing to do with having no show in Italy or nearby. Fans travel from country to country and could bring the virus...


    I am with @wthebluemascara.

  2. I was looking for a great pop album lately... and got it! Regulars, Learning In Public and June Gloom are my favs. Not even one song I skip on this record.

  3. I discovered her in late 2011 - must have been Sep/Oct - when MTV played ‚Video Games‘. A couple of days later she was on my fav TV news that introduced her. I instantly bought the CD single that included ‚Blue Jeans‘ too. At that time you yet could buy her ‚Lana Del Ray a.k.a Lizzy Grant‘ on amazon. As I didn’t have a credit card nor PayPal I couldn‘t order it. I wouldn‘t wanna miss her and her work in my life anymore. She’s special!

    I actually noticed her for the very first time in Sep 2010 when she was a part of Mando Diao‘s MTV Unplugged. I couldn‘t remember her being on that show when ‚VG‘ was released in 2011.  :eek:  :shh:





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