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Chalamet Eyes

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Posts posted by Chalamet Eyes


    6 hours ago, lovemooch said:

    someone please share the rest of neon valentino and on the move.. that’s the realest neon we know


    I doubt anyone has the full albums since the mixtapes she was selling were a random mix of both.

  2. 1 hour ago, lovesick said:

    it was custom made


    Yeah it was customised using the file I linked in the OP, which is what I was asking for... 

  3. 6 minutes ago, descending said:

    Does anyone here know (or have a copy of) if a HQ version of the demo for The Unknown ever leaked? The only version I've had the last 8 years is of very poor quality unfortunately.


    Nah, it only exists as a YouTube rip unfortunately. 

  4. 14 hours ago, pollafideo said:


    I know, I was being sarcastic. She doesn't give a fuck about quality, so I wouldn't be surprised if she ripped them from YouTube.



    Whoops :creep:


    Also I skimmed through the other tracks and it seems she teased Real Tarantino before. Triumph is literally the only one that's close to listenable. 

  5. 9 minutes ago, pollafideo said:


    Where's the problem? 192 kpbs is fine, and her assistant will make the artwork. Then she'll get money!


    I literally just said what the problem was lmao.


    For them to sound any good, you need lossless .wav copies - and the Anarchy design was atrocious. She really can't be half assed about it with the high prices that are being charged. 

  6. 1 hour ago, pollafideo said:


    She has the rights to the WeRNeon releases, doesn't she? 


    She does - but what's the point in pressing them if she doesn't even have the songs in WAV or good graphic design for the back cover... 

  7. LOOOOOOL the delusion. The only reason it got so many "views" is cos its being plugged under popular tweets and Twitter generates view counts just by seeing the tweet, regardless of whether it was watched or not (which lets be real, it wasn't). 



  8. 1 hour ago, neonbear said:

    She got better self produced and freestyles tho, like "Peter Pan" or "Tell Ya Friends About It"


    Peter Pan isn't self produced or a freestyle, she also didn't even play it so how are you sure it's better lmao


  9. 2 hours ago, neonbear said:

    She's selling unreleased songs, can a good soul buy the ones we miss from Eleutheromaniac era or the ones she teased on a live last year and share with us? I mean, it's for a good case. We haven't heard anything good since "Colors"


    It's not worth buying them just to leak them for like 5 people in a thread... You'll just have to hope and pray you get to hear them someday.

  10. 2 hours ago, lovemooch said:

    The gave brith yesterday! on 301 lol her baby is called Freedom :wub:


    You just know she refused to give birth until March 1st on purpose. 


    That said, I'm happy for her. Least now she has something positive to focus on instead of her dwindling music career... 

  11. 51 minutes ago, Doja Cat said:

    Kerli has a decent following, Porcelain has good music but she's been a bitch, always looking for a fight and just disrespectful, plus nothing comes close to the PATT era, new stuff is just not it. Neon was like the best thing I discovered last decade, she has talent, she has bops, she is just doing wrong things, sadly she doesn't have a cult following like Kerli. 


    She did in 2012 when she was supposed to be "the next big thing" but that obviously amounted to nothing. Her fanbase quickly dissolved after the IndieGoGo campaign didn't work out lmao.

  12. 4 minutes ago, Sulfer said:

    Triumph? Did it leak?


    No, it was posted on her Instagram story a couple of times. Personally don't remember what it sounds like or care tbh. 

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