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Posts posted by evalionisameme

  1. They want to use her as a songwriter for other artists so she can make generic hits but dont want to invest in her solo career probs thinking of dropping her tbh only thing stopping them is using her as a songwriter for artists in the label

  2. I'm grateful for the updates they provide but they need to stop acting holier than thou especially when they've spread info about the leaks we all know they probably have them saved lmao

    Like less people probably would of looked up ring and reflecting

  3. Also she might want to keep quiet for awhile her fans are currently grilling her in the comments she's only adding fire with the contradictory statements

  4. I love charli but she's lying to herself rn the deal with sucker was she could keep some of the punk songs but she had to make them poppier in the vein of someone like avril and the rest would be pure pop songs like boom clap and doing it I suspect a similar deal will happen here with the pc music even though she's already said its v commercial

  5. it's a piano ballad that the leaker teased w/ some lana-ish qualities to it that earned it that title

    I think I wannabe with you has more of a Lana esqueness especially with the operatic backing vocals and strings the only thing that stops it is the wonky beat drop

  6. Why can't she make more alternative pop songs like I wannabe be with you although I wish she improved the lyrics to it it could of been amazing a bit lazy tbh

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