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Chris Cuomo

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Posts posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. You guys should've talked about MK Ultra more than Illuminati, Lana may not be part of illuminati but she definitely acts like an MK Ultra slave


    You know, I've thought about this before too.


    It appears to me she probably experienced some trauma when she was younger, which would have made her a perfect candidate for Mk Ultra. That, and the fact she comes from a wealthy family, makes it even more plausible. Going to Kent would have allowed for more abuse on an institutional level. 



  2. I know this is going to be controversial to say but I strongly believe my friend is now under the control of this group - the Illuminati or whatever you want to call it - it's very sad and scary, as I've watched her change from an extroverted and brilliant person to a lifeless puppet. Her family has connections to politicians and pedophilia so this doesn't shock me.

  3. This is all the labels fault - they're going to pander her to Troyes fanbase. a true mø 2.0, and before she ever even went anywhere :toofunny:


    Everything was looking very promising with the UK success and be the one in Australia too :( Still, i am not surprised to hear it was a rushed release - she always seemed hesitant to talk about the record when it was brought up in interviews.


    Also idk if this was implied but I guess she's going to rework stuff and record new material (?)

  4. I've always been painfully shy and socially awkward -it fluctuates often so sometimes I am ridden with social anxiety while on other days I handle it a lot better - and I think people do perceive me as weird because of it or they misunderstand my actions/the way I am as being standoffish, maybe sometimes even rude when that isn't my intention at all. I think Lana falls victim to this as well.


    The sadness, self reliance, the appreciation for alternative lifestyles, indulging in your dreams and fantasies, self medication with alcohol, self destructiveness, poor relationships and the obsession with true love.

  5. how the hell did you find the email?


    queen of stalking :creep:

    LOL, u just put in tha username, enter a random password and it'll give you the option to send verification to "your" email. Unfortunately it doesn't work for verified accounts but I tried it on @@HONEYMOON and the first and last letters of that accounts email are j and r ..so hmmm


    Tbh im thinking maybe jane is just a pseudonym she goes by as lana or Lizzy wld be a bit too obv

  6. and why on earth would she logically do that

    Those songs have been released for months now, they're just going to overshadow her release. Like this we've already heard half of the album lol

  7. I like Bullets, it's good. New York on the other hand is kinda shitty.


    I hope this isn't the direction she's going with on her album. I'm not too fond of her unreleased discography so far :(

  8. From her latest outings I see her as depressed as ever, single and entrenched in this urban-trash, second-hand clothing "couture" for what depression and self-loathing are the only explanations I could come up with. It's sad to see that she cannot break this circle of depression in her life because it's affecting her career and music (and not in a good way anymore).


    Someone here depicted her situation very aptly by saying that her fandom is "rotting" away. She kind of reacted to it lately with some activity on instagram which will never stop the decline btw

    God forbid a woman in her 30s try to enjoy life, immerse herself in current fashion and trends, and oh no, relax out of the spot of the limelight! You must feel really entitled to Lana's life...don't know why.

  9. I really hope these weren't made with the intention of being on the album, Want To sucks, but Voodoo has some potential. Still..both sort of sound like generic club music. 

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