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Chris Cuomo

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Posts posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. This album is amazing.

    I have been really skeptical since BB leaked in July. I felt that the sudden change in sound was forced but after listening to this entire album, I can see it's not.

    The album is a really great mix of BTD and a new sound. Dan's production is alright on some tracks yet I still feel like Rick or Dan Heath would have been a better choice for others. It's a bit heavy when you put it all together.

    Favs are BRB, OM, FMWUTT and TOW. I really like FK but at one point her voice cracks? Idk. It annoys me.

  2. aren't they supposed to be? as a singer? singing about her own life? (experiences etc)

    ya...lol sorry, I probably didn't explain myself too well. I have no problem with her repetitive themes, but its the way she continues to express them.

    I just find her writing, as of lately, comes off immature. It sounds like its written by a 16 year old who wants to let everyone know they have some basic knowledge on ~underground~ stuff. it feels try hard-ish as someone said earlier. no matter how shallow or poorly written some of her previous work may have been, it seemed to mean *something

    anyhoo I should probs stop. I didn't expect all this tbh

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