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Chris Cuomo

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Posts posted by Chris Cuomo

  1. I think it's sometimes hard for 'newbies' to stay for very long, seeing as sometimes they might feel they don't fit in with members who have been here longer and who have already have made their place in the forum. There's always been the 'n00b' aspect, and the disliking of newbs. Imo, here it's mainly because newbies have the tendency to post threads and posts that can be seen as 'useless'' or stupid.. Remember Hovag? He could of been a very popular member by now if it wasn't for that 'useless' thread he made. I know outside of here there's a lot of dislike towards LanaBoards. Saying that people can be assholes here, but most of it is because of leaks and the 'invasion of Lana's privacy' or whatever. But I can see how the community can come off as hostile to some and some things should change. 

  2. Sounds like a racist thing to me. Why would she specifically hate Muslims and not Christians for example? 

    well in this case it's because she feels like muslims are invading her country. Seeing as France has always been white and a very Christian nation for a while, the coming of a new culture could make some feel threatened I suppose. especially when muslims are portrayed as terrorists by much of the media and people. 

  3. oh , that's fine!

    Do you have a link to where I can buy them?

    If I were you I'd try amazon or maybe see if there's some sort of old music store in your area, I purchased The Early Years at an old record shop.  There's always illegal downloading.  :creep:   :creep:

  4. I can't help but like her. My mother use to play The Best of Bardot when she would clean the house or whatever, and I really loved it.  Bubble Gum is my all time favourite song from the record.Though I'll admit the record isn't really anything special, it was the first record I really enjoyed listening to as a child and still do. 


    Brigitte Bardot- The early years was a recent discovery and it slays me. 


    Je Me Donne A Qui Me Plait 


    And Brigitte Bardot Sings is also a really good album. God, thank you for reminding me about this woman's existence. I'm going to listen to her now. :flutter:

  5. OMG what the new PinUp means @Baby?? hahaha

    he made a thread about black people 


    if this was a thread about 'little people' you would take his title. 


    Anyway, if it's something my child would really want to do, I might think about it. But I would never force my child to do anything like that, which is what you see a lot of the time in pageants. Sometimes it even feels like the mothers are trying to make up for the failures they made when they were younger through their children. 




    You know what is weird?

    They removed the video from her personal channel, even though that is where she was discovered. :icant:


    I agree, it's weird. But I wasn't surprised,  they already removed blue jeans months before because of 'copyright' lmfao on her own channel, same w/ yayo and diet mountain dew


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