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Everything posted by AzizDelGrant

  1. Aka: yellow Btd: blue Paradise: gold Uv: black Honeymoon: red
  2. YOU CAN BE THE BOSS ( DELUXE ) 1. Fourth of July 2. Don't let it stop 3.Daddy 4. Keg party 5. Shut up (I got this ) 6. Dangerous 7. Malt liquor ( My My ) 8. Bad to the bone 9. White corvette 10. Honest 11. I need you 12. Cigarette 13. Saved it Bonus tracks: 1. Strong 2. Liquor (on his lips) 3. Like you a lot
  3. She's so confident and comfortable in this video She will never do things like that a year ago And if she did she will delete it after 10 minutes Like the " I can't sleep" video that she posted on her instagram and then deleted after 10 minutes
  4. Now that Lana has finished the album When you guys think she will release the album??
  5. I feel that the next era will be soo freaking good
  6. I know but it's an interlude And she sings so that a bonus PRAY
  7. Oh so I can't post picosong links here Sorry im kinda new
  8. https://twitter.com/cyndeirey/status/802005946306359296 It's on twitter
  9. it's 6:33 am now and I didn't sleep for this so it's better be worth it
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