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Everything posted by ♥Love♥Lana♥Like♥Life

  1. Hey, that's a good sign! Guess it's the start of the end of the US vs. Lana cold war!
  2. Even if some don't like the fan's name idea... cause it might sound lame or corny or whatever, it could be very useful, cause it would create some kind of identifying... I suggest, if it's hard to agree on 1 name, we just create various... and everybody can decide which name fits best... 1.Suggestion: Team: 'The Lanalytics' For people who like it deep! For whose who go beyond the surface!
  3. I'm convinced Lana is right- the critics are wrong! And it's understable that Lana complained about them! Cause an artist needs time and space to get used to his environment. In Lana case it was like that: hardly appeared, critics started hating! So Lana absolutely has a point!
  4. True! But Lana doesn't have to be discriminated because of her music style!
  5. Maybe there is some kind of... Just yesterday I've seen some Premium package ticket offer! Price: 200€ But I don't know what it includes... :/
  6. Stop being rude to each other! lanaboards is a place for peace and love!
  7. Lol, thanks for this comparison! Gaga looks like a Lana fan on a "style like your star" party! :D:D
  8. If you like it, you gotta get it! Screw what the haters say!
  9. SugarVenom, I'm glad you didn't suffer from a trauma! Cause it sounds like a nightmare! :/ It absolutely upsets me when some kind of "sensation seekers" let's call these men like this, interfere and spoil such a magic moment! Really hope you get another chance! With a more relaxed environment!
  10. Meeting Lana Del Rey Pictures tell you more than a 1000 words! I've just found this video: Attention: the girls are pretty loud so turn the volume a bit lower before watching You can comment upon it! Or say whether you want to meet Lana? or just tell something!
  11. Good choice! Germany's winter get hor with Lana!
  12. Not surprised those artists get a MEGA-Boost...talk about Adele, soundtrack for james bond... you can hardly beat it! Lana deserves a similar deal!
  13. Going out with Lana would be great! You really 1000 options where to go - what to do... cause Lana's a deep and street-wise person.
  14. Typical of tabloid style magazines...try to make big effects on every occassion
  15. How would you like that? A MTV Unplugged concert and cd with LANA??? Where should it take place? What instruments should be used? What songs should be sung?
  16. Good looks is important, but I dare to say that even if a person is not obviously beautiful, they still can get a lot of fans, love ans support! For example: Adele
  17. A long, long time ago I was into science, too...but then I realized that life just goes beyond it... so deep no formulas can enter...
  18. Lucky you! If you live in Ireland, you don't have to bother about any soft drinks...you have the best beer in the world!
  19. I think Indian food would be good! A restaurant with Taj Mahal atmosphere, good music and spicy food
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