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Posts posted by elanodelrey

  1. I'm sorry but "less songs"? Really? Everyone is always freaking out about album outtakes, going crazy about why she didn't put THAT song on there that you feel is a masterpiece and would have deserved to make the cut. Like, why would you be complaining about an album consisting of 16 new Lana songs. You can just skip "childish" White Mustang if you don't like it. I don't see the problem, honestly.


    Lust for Life is actually my most-played Lana album. I don't know what it is, it just feels really organic to me. I'm a little protective of it. That doesn't mean it's my favourite album of hers, I actually can't even decide which one is my favourite. But I don't get all the LfL bashing...


    Yeah, I get how some people like that tracks, but in my opinion, that makes lust for life as an album less good :/ , for example, I love listening to Ultraviolence (not deluxe) or honeymoon as a whole, from the begging till the end, it actually depends on the day, with lust for life it’s different, I usually listen to it by parts- like from love to cherry, or from WTWWAW till the end... and that’s actually why I don’t like LFL as a whole as much as the others, I understand how some poeple can see this work cohesive though, I just don’t see it XD


    Like we said in Spain “pa gustos, colores” :D is interesting to see how we all can have different point of views :)


    Pd: I’m not bashing LFL (maybe white mustang a bit xd) jokes aside, This album gave me a lot of good moments, I’m just pointing out what makes this less strong in my opinion.

  2. I love how lust for life put on some pretty good tracks like almost every song at the end of the record (and more like 13 beaches or when the world was at war) I just think it could be even better if:

    1- it has less songs ,imho some tracks don’t do anything good in this record, see white mustang with that bland lyrics (literally one of the worst Lana ever made for me, so childish T.T) or Coachella aka the hated one or even summer bummer (I just don’t like the concept, the lyrics, the genre or the dudes she’s collaborating with so I don’t really know if it’s good or nah, I just don’t like it)

    2- the production is just not the best in some cases, like lanz get out of that trap beats pls, it makes ur music sounds generic :/ (not even goes well with her voice for me) - some examples for this in my opinion are again Coachella, in my feelings or even one of her best cherry.

    After one year, this is what I think when I play this albooom :)

    Now we’ll have to wait for the next guys !! Praying for my dream pop/ jazzy Lana (I know this is honeymoon already xD)

  3. i just don’t like marina, I just listen to one song from her and I just don’t like that sound, i didn’t never really know why people think Marina and Lana are similar, maybe I could research in her music for more similarities but that kind of songs just don’t hook me :(

    I want Lana to collaborate with father John misty cuz I love his music and I know they are friends though :D

  4. Well guys, this two performance make me realised how much I miss that old days when Lana just stant there and sing, no dancers, no choreo... just her soulful voice and her connection to her fans.

    sometimes it seems Like Lana is giving more importance to those, sometimes, cringe worthy moves (hello Off to the races) than to her singing... and for me... this is when it starts to be a problem :/

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