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Posts posted by SissyReed

  1. Whatever it is the cause of the change, I hope she try to do something, like losing a bit of weight or change the makeup. I hope she gets better because she could be a lot more beautiful with a little effort, in my opinion.


    GIRLS CAN DO ANYTHING THEY WANT TO!! :party: :party: :party:


    maybe Lana likes herself more this way? and all we should care about is her music/health not weight/make-up

  2. I was thirteen when I first heard of Lana, it was the end of 2011. I was in the first grade of the Middle School in my country. It's usual the beginning of the time when you start to discover yourself and find your hobbies. I must confess that who am I today is 1/3 because of my dad and 2/3 because of Lana Del Rey. :lanahairflip:

    "Lolita" --> before Lana I knew I liked older men etc. but I had never seen it as some kind of fetish that can be appreciated. Lana helped me to define myself, I guess. :candy:


    James Dean, Marilyn Monroe, "The Godfather", "Scarface", "Easy Rider", "Pretty Baby" etc. --> I simply wanted to see all the movies Lana was singing about/watch movies with her fave actors and actresses. Now I am 18 years old Federico Fellini, Woody Allen, Quentin Tarantino, Ingmar Bergman,  Michelangelo Antonioni etc. stan and planning to be a filmmaker in the future, trying to get into Art School after I finish High School next year. :smile:


    Lou Reed --> my dad is a big fan of Lou but my dad himself never made me like his music. It was actually Lana. I got into Lou, The Velvet Underground, then Iggy Pop, David Bowie etc. I started to be really interested in avant-garde and pop-art as well. :brows:


    Elvis Presley, Bruce Springsteen, The Doors --> not ashamed to admit that Lana made me like them. :rock:


    Walt Whitman --> in my country Whitman isn't that famous since he's 100% American but I borrowed his poems from my dad and totally fell in love with this guy. :smokes3:


    History --> I always liked history but thanks to Lana I know stories of JFK, Manson Family, Marilyn Monroe's life (Lana songs made me read books and articles). :smile3:

    Many songs, books, movies - artists that made who I am this day. She showed me the artists who then showed me another artists.All because of Lana Del Rey. :defeated: :defeated: :defeated:

    What is your story? :creep: :creep: :creep:

  3. from this kind of song i expected much more in the video...
    just like "pacify her" gave me more than i expected the same way "mrs potato head" is kinda disappointing
    idk but i still like it :D

  4. I love "Honeymoon" as a whole record but I never listen to songs from it separately except of "Freak","Art Deco", "Terrence Loves You" and "Religion"/"The Blackest Day" (but not very often). The whole record is amazing but I feel like almost every song is a filler :/

  5. I love "It's a Fire" - my love for them started when my dad showed me this song
    I also love "Roads", "Glory Box", "Sour Times" - my faves
    but I love all their songs, I think their records should be listened as whole :)

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