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Posts posted by cathdelrey

  1. metacritic removed the 26th date but it's no biggie bc it's gone off and on and off again and then to TBA and back to 26th today, and now off again. I still believe it's coming friday, it's not like it's listed for the 21st of July either so chill, it's just not to surprise it for the GP assumingly- to be fair I did email them about it and if it was really coming friday as a surprise release like an hour before it got taken down so

  2. that info comes from wikipedia, which anyone can edit.


    true for the most part, but it's been up for a few days and it wouldn't let me edit (i've had a wikipedia account for like 4 years ish) and i'm pretty sure unconfirmed/fake info for major artists/pages is fixed and taken down considering me and my friend tried to edit loads of minor details on pages of artists we liked (majority much smaller in comparison to lana) and the changes were removed pretty quickly

  3. My prediction/hopes: It'll release digitally may 26th via apple music exclusive (bc of all their comments/interactions on her album posts+her meeting with the guy from AM) then a few days later it'll be available to stream everywhere (as happened with some artists last year and this year). Then on 25th/26th preorder for physicals will go up to ship out before the end of may or start of June- making sense for vinyl to be stocked in record stores in June like some have said that's when they'll get it. I know the difference between May and June stock sounds big but Friday is the end of May, it's only a week away from being a few days into June so I can see physicals coming out at the start of June.

  4. nope, I asked about the album in general, pretty sure they'd told me if cd was coming this week and vinyl on june

    for initial digital release i'm pretty sure all physical copies would be ship out a week or so after, and since may 26 is the end of may it would make perfect timing sense for record stores to not stock the vinyl until a week or so into june



    is this a joke or 'real' if so source plz







    1. Love

    2. Lust For Life (ft The Weeknd)

    3. Double Vision

    4. Cherry

    5. Hourglass

    6. God Bless America

    7. Rapture

    8. Seven Heavens

    9. Yosemite

    10. Tomorrow Never Came (ft Sean Lennon)

    11. When The World Was At War, We Kept Dancing

    12. Strawberry Moon

    13. 13 Beaches

    14. Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems (ft Stevie Nicks)

    15. Architecture

    16. Wild Ones

    Bonus Tracks :

    17. Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind

    18. Children Of The Bad Revolution

    19. Never Let Me Go

    20. Dreams of A New Reality






    sounds fake !









    1. Love

    2. Lust For Life (ft The Weeknd)

    3. Double Vision

    4. Cherry

    5. Hourglass

    6. God Bless America

    7. Rapture

    8. Seven Heavens

    9. Yosemite

    10. Tomorrow Never Came (ft Sean Lennon)

    11. When The World Was At War, We Kept Dancing

    12. Strawberry Moon

    13. 13 Beaches

    14. Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems (ft Stevie Nicks)

    15. Architecture

    16. Wild Ones

    Bonus Tracks :

    17. Coachella - Woodstock In My Mind

    18. Children Of The Bad Revolution

    19. Never Let Me Go

    20. Dreams of A New Reality




  7. Sorry but I have to say something in Spanish (u can use Google Traductor):


    Llevo esperando para este álbum casi 2 años, todas las emociones por las que he pasado en tan pocos meses me han llevado a una inestabilidad por culpa de sus managers incompetentes y de revistas o webs con fechas falsas. Simplemente estoy harto de mentiras, harto de que jueguen de esta manera con nuestros sentimientos, harto de ilusionarme para luego decepcionarme. Ben, el manager de Lana, ha sido en parte el responsable de todo esto, primero llega y quita el audio en el que Lana dice la fecha de lanzamiento y ahora va y comenta diciendo que el álbum no está terminado... Estoy cansado, no puedo más con esta situación... Solo espero que Lana diga algo hoy, mañana, el viernes o cuando sea. Algo para calmarme porque su estúpido manager no me está dando "ganas de vivir", me las está quitando.


    Por último, me gustaría decir que si Lana está preparando un lanzamiento sorpresa, que se prepare porque no va a vender todo lo que debería. Esta era se merece mucho más y por culpa de tres o cuatro gilipollas no va a acabar bien.

    Estoy de acuerdo, todos compartimos tu frustración. Pero tenemos que confiar en lana este álbum será increíble, independientemente de las ventas.

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