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Posts posted by Madrigal

  1. You know what? Since now 5 of my faves friends are mods





    LOL kidding Congratulation to my 3 darlings




    Next time, BVA, it will be you and me appointed the task of guarding our forum. Until then...



  2. Well, I'd love to do it myself. I think I have lots of knowledge which could benefit the forum, as well as the right amount of maturity and free time.

    I love and adore order, PROPER and TRUE information, and Lana--the perfect mix for me to be able to jurisdict the forums justly and well.


    Maru and HDB would both be excellent moderators. I can vouch for their strong characters, and I am honored to be their friends.

  3. Okay.


    My absolute favorites right now are Sky, Charli, and Lana.


    Sky is just incredible. She's made way too many poor marketing decisions for me to take her seriously as a saleswoman (:P), but her voice makes up for some of her many blunders. As long as we get an album SOON, with an EP to tide us over, I will refrain from abandoning her.


    Charli is equally, if not even moreso, talented. At the age of 14, she released an album of entirely self-written tracks (which is sadly not availible any more) and has been making fantastic music ever since. Her latest Mixtape and singles are some of the best music all year, and her [second] debut album will be out soon...February, if I'm not mistaken.


    I also love Santigold, Regina, Neon Hitch (Another girl I've been waiting for an album from FOREVER), Vampire Weekend, Foster the People, VV Brown, and quite a few others...like Florence and Marina and even Sleigh Bells. :P


    I listen in waves.

  4. You know what. Do whatever you want. Delete this topic and go wild. I won't be here to watch this forum be shut down. Forget the rules. You have free will and speech and you are entitled speak of your opinions. So forget all this. Just do what you do. You try and help a fanbase survive and all you get is argumentative people and disobedience. I'm not here for it. Officially leaving the forum, and you can do whatever you want. I've tried to help. You're not the ones getting into the trouble. You may have a few things taken away from you like a petty topic on a forum and a radio show which you already have a new link for, but you're not the one getting bunches of emails with tons of questions on how you've got this infomational, and all I can say is this forum because some of you do not give the specific link to the source you got your information from. It takes up my time trying to save your backs and providing the sources for him so you lot do no come across as potential hackers. After me doing this, I am not seen as a potential hacker. So goodbye.


    Goodbye! ;( You will be missed.

    I think it may be best for some of us to follow your example. I appreciate you, and will always miss your help in (attentpting) to guide this fan base, however unruly. :'(

  5. This brings up another very valid question. Why would they continuously allow the Public Access of such databases as BMI and ASCAP if they did not intend for "amateur" fans to find them? Am I spreading a rumor when I say that "Live or Die" is a real title, because it has been publicly registered for us all to see?

  6. I actually agree with MissDaytona. I have checked the thread that was asked to be deleted, and it fits with these rules. Ben may have asked for it to be deleted, however it doesn't go against forum rules so why? Because it might 'ruin future plan's'? No. It's so that people don't get bored of the news quick enough that they lose interest by the time it arrives. Which is bollocks to me.


    This is VERY true, Riley! I can see theirs angle with that in mind, but hey--when Someone mentions something they shouldn't, and it becomes an issue affecting the entire fan base because of a rumor, then it's not our fault for "spreading" it. If it's as imperative as it seems to e that all news is officiated, then there's absolutely no fun left to be had in participating in any news section. And that's the truth.

  7. "Wrong."


    Okay. I had no idea the web was under such a new level of scrutiny now. Does Polydor have access to jurisdict what's posted anywhere?


    For example, it's obvious they cannot overtake Tumblr, and prevent leaks from that site directly. Would it be any more SENSICAL for them to try and take over here?

  8. This kind of situation is not favorable for either party. As fans, it makes us defensive: "So now I can't post ______? My liberty is at stake here!!!"

    For the managers, it causes them to look bad: guys, we don't know the terms of their responsibilities! For all we know, Lana's contract is written so that management are responsible for monitoring us! It's not our place to change the deal. . I 100% agree with Aaron on wanting to leave; a few key people have totally screwed up a whole bunch of possibilities.


    For now, I am going to comply with these rules, however much I disagree and think that it's NOT the place of management to interfere.


    A note to you, managers:

    I appreciate what you are doing and have done. You're taking care of Lana, and not only am I thankful you're doing such a good job, but I am impressed with how much you care about her. I mean, I know it's technically your job, but still--you're showing a lot of diligence to make sure her and her rights(?) are not misconstrued. However, as a fan I am entitled to my own freedom in some ways, and I wish you would not be so adamantly involved in every aspect of our fan base.

  9. I'm still trying to figure out what tune it is that the music box is playing in the intro and outro. Does anyone know?? I NEED to know, it's killing me badly! I think it's a traditional French song. Do we have any French people on here?


    Someone should tweet Guy or Liam to beg them for the tune.

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