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Posts posted by TIARNZUS

  1. Don't know about the other part of your question, but this has been bugging me, too. Now you have to go through a whole ordeal of right-clicking ---> "view image", bah.


    You mean light-box? I didn't like it for images in the gallery.

  2. :excited:

    Yes, a few dizzies later, I figured it out.

    It's important to note which ID that needs to be put in the code, and where to find it.

    The 8-digit TrackID within the Embed Code.






    May I request the code to be shortened to [sc]?

    Which instead of (needing to) carefully select the TrackID, we simply use the URL instead? :hooker:

    What do you mean?

  3. Been tryin hard to embed soundcloud. How now?



    Don't just like Bill, halp!

    Admin, mod, someone, anyone? C-can you hear me.. :defeated:



    [soundcloud] [/soundcloud]


    You place the unique soundcloud URL in it


    Example: [soundcloud]57182379[/soundcloud]

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