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subversive light

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Everything posted by subversive light

  1. now im thinking here that i wish i were wearing a diaper bc i want to pee off topic - not that off topic - but, does melanie wears diapers?? btw i'm talking to a friend - who went through some similar abuse - and she told me that she is feeling very sad rn
  2. some fans felt that they weren't even able to sing during her shows lol
  3. why i can't post glitter gifs jk oh boi thats bad i hope i never get queued please don't queue me
  4. i think we're getting something from her management first, maybe later we're getting something from her idk
  5. omg i stan 1 [future] lawyer
  6. oo mae goe maybe it's her management but O MAE GOE
  7. B.O.B claims slavery in America never existed - because he's never seen a slave ship
  8. i'm almost peeing on my own pants bc i laughed so damn loud it's like almost 2am here i don't know what im doing
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bU9mhJrrGAk
  10. harlem prob got so damn annoyed that *that* came out
  11. this went from an argument about ~~what happened~~ to "paternity tests x lie detector tests" + two people attacking each other o mae goo
  12. what topic thanks im fine, my computer's memory is almost dying due to the big amount of gifs i have lol
  13. off topic but thanks for the gif i was looking for it for a long time btw
  14. why you talk about " being falsely accusing of rape" like this happens each 2 minutes oh by the way, each 98 seconds, an american is sexually assaulted (imagine the statistics of another countries) https://www.rainn.org/statistics/victims-sexual-violence
  15. I love you too. !!!!!!!
  16. Amber Heard literally filmed Johnny Depp fighting with her and people are still asking for proof that's the problem ppl: where is the prof women: *show the proof* ppl: that's fake! where's the proof
  17. (btw asking for proof isn't the actual "bad thing", and yes assuming she is lying bc she doesn't have the proof)
  18. I'm sort of hoping it turns out to be the truth in the end so y'all can learn to stop assuming something. i don't know how many women had their lives ruined, family not talking to them anymore just because of a stupid man who decided to abuse them and had a bunch of raging idiots automatically accusing her of lying, asking for "PROOF"
  19. fun fact people are able to not agree with each other and still talk about the topic like grown ass people
  20. I know you're not defending her, we all have the right to question it and, like i said before, there are always possibility of lying: people lie the whole damn time. You, obviously have a point: she can be a dumbass and wants to end her own career by falsely accusing Melanie. I don't know if Melanie would do this, some people seem to be cute and pure but they're actually horrible and are able to hurt others. Everyone is able to hurt someone else - I say this from personal experience. Lots of people i stanned before showed to be a bunch of assholes. An example? I always thought that Christoph Waltz was a sweet old man but i found out that he defended Roman Polanski by saying that "what he did happened a long time ago and that's why people should forget it". He said something like that. Yep. I got very disappointed at the time
  21. this is a possibility but how many times a famous person got falsely accused of rape? like i said before, why someone would lie about being raped by someone famous and rich? she can be sued by melanie and it would be the end of her career/life (and if she is lying about it, she is being so damn dumb bc that's what is going to happen to her) thank you
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