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subversive light

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Posts posted by subversive light

  1. what even is on topic in this thread anymore rn, but np if u ever need help or sum more i got a lil catalogue i think r hilarious


    what topic


    thanks im fine, my computer's memory is almost dying due to the big amount of gifs i have lol

  2. w7zflsm.gif


    ok this was messy now it's jus more messy judgement day is gonna strike on some asses when mama comes home n i don't wanna be washed


    off topic but thanks for the gif i was looking for it for a long time btw

  3. wow its crazy how when something that considered a crime, there needs to be proof. wow they should totally take that away, so i can wrongly accuse all my enemies without needing any proof. wow what a perfect world


    why you talk about " being falsely accusing of rape" like this happens each 2 minutes


    oh by the way, each 98 seconds, an american is sexually assaulted (imagine the statistics of another countries)



  4. We love a smart doggo.


    I love you too.


    Hi it's me resident LB legal amateur expert (law student lol)


    So if she was lying, MM could sue her for libel (which requires her to present the burden of proof of actual malice). The thing is, it's such a risk to come out and accuse a public figure of rape/molestation/etc. that more often than not, the accusations are true. Timothy could lose a considerate about of money and even her career if it was a lie. Additionally, she would get a lot of bad press and to my knowledge, it seems like she is trying to become a musician herself. With all that being said... what's the point of lying? She has so much to lose.


    That's kind of the paradigm that appears with a lot of sexual assault cases that involve public figures. Alleged victims have so much to lose from accusing someone of sexual assault. It's better to believe them than to be too skeptical. 



  5. wow its crazy how when something that considered a crime, there needs to be proof. wow they should totally take that away, so i can wrongly accuse all my enemies without needing any proof. wow what a perfect world


    Amber Heard literally filmed Johnny Depp fighting with her and people are still asking for proof


    that's the problem


    ppl: where is the prof

    women: *show the proof*

    ppl: that's fake! where's the proof

  6. I'm sort of hoping it turns out to be a lie in the end so y'all can learn to stop assuming something. i don't know how many men had their lives ruined, college tuitions taken away, family not talking to them anymore just because of a stupid little hoe who decided to tell a lie and had a bunch of raging idiots automatically believe her


    I'm sort of hoping it turns out to be the truth in the end so y'all can learn to stop assuming something. i don't know how many women had their lives ruined, family not talking to them anymore just because of a stupid man who decided to abuse them and had a bunch of raging idiots automatically accusing her of lying, asking for "PROOF"

  7. 1. Not all honey tbh, I mean, do you really believe she would do this?

    2. Bc there's how the people is, she maybe is trying to say these things for the reasons I've said.


    If you want, you can.




    I know you're not defending her, we all have the right to question it and, like i said before, there are always possibility of lying: people lie the whole damn time. You, obviously have a point: she can be a dumbass and wants to end her own career by falsely accusing Melanie. I don't know if Melanie would do this, some people seem to be cute and pure but they're actually horrible and are able to hurt others. Everyone is able to hurt someone else - I say this from personal experience.

    Lots of people i stanned before showed to be a bunch of assholes. An example? I always thought that Christoph Waltz was a sweet old man but i found out that he defended Roman Polanski by saying that "what he did happened a long time ago and that's why people should forget it". He said something like that. Yep. I got very disappointed at the time

  8. I mean what if this girl is lying bc she wants to ruin her career

    For example: There's not a moment when her ex published some of privated pics?


    this is a possibility but

    1. how many times a famous person got falsely accused of rape?
    2. like i said before, why someone would lie about being raped by someone famous and rich? she can be sued by melanie and it would be the end of her career/life (and if she is lying about it, she is being so damn dumb bc that's what is going to happen to her)

    y'all do have a point.  then again, do you really think melanie's going to come forward and confirm this?  it'd ruin what little of a career she already is losing.  there probably will never be 100% definitive evidence unfortunately.  i'm not taking any measures beyond just unfollowing her (like scrapping my cd/vinyl, deleting her from my digital libraries) until more comes to light, but until anything else happens, i'm assuming she isn't lying.


    thank you

  9. It's not just because Melanie is a woman why i'm questioning it, if it were an accusation by a woman on a man then i'd still question it. I think we should always question things if there isn't evidence. It's just a logical thing to do.


    i'm not talking about you, i'm talking about people in general, like the people from my twitter timeline


    when kevin spacey got accused, i didn't saw a single questioning. and that's not what happened in the other accusations during the year.


    if you question every single accusation that's ok, it's your right and you're not being sexist. 

  10. i think the most logic thing to do is "absolutely nothing": do not message the girl who accused her.

    • if you believe in her, delete melanie from your music library, sell your merch or something else - like i did. or don't do absolutely nothing.
    • if you do not believe in timothy, just don't text hate messages like some 12 yr olds are doing in this moment.

  11. yes, there always the possibility of "lying", but if this isn't true, why she would risk herself? timothy could be easily sued by melanie


    lots of famous people are prob rapists/abusers and we don't know bc people are scared to tell their stories bc everyone else is always asking for proof, and these powerful people - just like harvey weinstein - can get away from accusations easily, they are manipulative and mean


    im kinda sleepy but i hope u guys understand it 

    there a huge ratio gap between gays who automatically believe her and others who say that there needs to be more proof. literally 95% of you guys are believing her just because of pictures where they were together. no need to make this a gender issue


    we always need to make this a gender issue, there are gender issues - most of the time, not always - when we talk about sexual abuse


    example: it's a gender issue bc there are people who doesn't believe timothy bc melanie is a woman and when women bring up sexual abuse they're questioned the whole damn time

    bleh nevermind.  anyways, what should we do with any physical media we have?  throw it away?  i'm tempted to just grab the jewel case from my cd for spare parts and throw the rest away.


    try to sell it lol


    or keep it to yourself, sometimes we have to forget that a singer we like to listen is a cunt

    • when a man accused kevin spacey of sexual abuse, no one questioned him, career ended in a week
    • when a woman accuses [literally anyone], people be always like "proof?" 
    • just saying u know 

    disappointed but not surprised tbh


    i just deleted her from my itunes library 

  12. i feel like shit when i see all these people going to the pop-ups and meeting her, or buying her official merch, seeing her live, i stan her for almost 6 years and i didn't even went to a concert/bought her official merch bc i live in the end of the world + poor (everything is so damn expensive, dude hello)


    music to watch people meeting lana in USA



    y'all so lucky

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